Does ARCS ending balance load flows to the next period if balances have not changed?
Hi Everyone, I am fairly new with ARCS. We implemented a transaction matching with balance comparison six months ago. We have a new challenge/project, we are implementing in another environment a Reconciliation Compliance balance compare with a single and group of Concatenate account combinations of 67,000+ mapped to 800+ profiles.
Based on my testing, I need to load a file by period and It is necessary to load the Ending Balances for all accounts each period in ARCS. I just need your confirmation to complete extract requirements.
Thanks for your help!
User Requirements: Load daily balances using balance comparison for a combination of accounts (group accounts) or single account profiles. Balances will be loaded daily for the current period and the two prior periods. This is done to ensure users are looking at the latest period-end balances in Account Reconciliation.