ASO Time Balance aggregation not as expected
In BSO cube, there is accounts aggregated value based on time balance = First, Skip Value = Missing by having Period dimension member [Jan] rollup to [Q1] and then to [YearTotal]. However, the ASO cube doesn't aggregate based on the same behavior by rolling up based on Time Balance Property, it seems it rollup differently based on another [Entities] dimension.
Currently, the Period dimension is Multiple Hierarchy Type. The Entities dimension is Dynamic Hierarchy Type.
Eg: Period Dimension Hierarchy
- Period
- Beginning Balance
- YearTotal
- Q1
- Jan
- Feb
- Q1
We have tried to add MDX formula using CASE WHEN THEN END to simulate the time balance behavior at Period [Q1] member and changing Gen1 parent [YearTotal] member or changing Period dimension to Dynamic hierarchy type. However, we hit the following error when try to refresh database.