Discussion List
How we can set row suppression while using createDataExporter() to export data from EPBCSSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Groovy DataGridBuilder varying columnsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, I got stuck on a groovy rule to build a DataGridBuilder with varying columns and don't know h…
Why is the heading justification in Benefits form set to "right"?Summary: The heading for the benefit rate form is right-justified. It used to be center. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include …
ASO vs BSO Financial Reporting FR Report has different rounding up/down handlingBSO FR report is the original report while ASO FR report is copied from BSO by only changing database connection to point to ASO cube. No other changes are done to ASO r…
Unable to perform bursting because the specified POV members are not found in the bursting query.Summary: We are trying to execute a Bursting Definition but we are getting the error message; Unable to perform bursting because the specified POV members are not found …
Execution of Data Load Rule via API - From Mulesoft to EPM (EPBCS)Summary: We are planning to load the data using the data load rule via API. However, when we tried to trigger the data load, it failed, and we encountered an error. If t…
Conditional Groovy in a form comparing two accountsHello experts!! I have a requeriment to do, I have this form: And with Groovy I should get a validation in BALANCE row. My requeriment is if BALANCE is equal to C1290_CA…
Will grid operations on form load work in Dashboards 2.0?Summary: We have rules assigned on form load that restricts cell level entries and applies conditional formatting based on a specific criteria and the form is attached t…
How does "Not set" Essbase Dimension Hierarchy type works?Summary: In Essbase Dimension member Hierarchy type we have 1 . Not Set 2. Dynamic 3. Multiple 4. Stored ,how does "Not Set" type works. Content (please ensure you mask …
File renaming issue in EPBCSSummary: I want to rename the file after unzipping the data export file. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I tried several ways to schedule …
Enhanced UI experience issueSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, Just a surprise to see that the years-long-asked enhancement for some of the web UI experien…
Request for a documentation for Out-Of-Box Workforce Business Rules in EPBCSRequest for a documentation for Out-Of-Box Workforce Business Rules in EPBCS, specially below rules OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Defaults OWP_Incrementa…
How to group integration flows and pipelines into folders to keep the page more organized?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…Kothi Himalatha - Support - Oracle-Oracle 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Viorel "Van" Andritoiu-Oracle Planning
EPM Automate - RunDailyMaintenanceSummary: Dear all, As part of a snapshot upload flow, I have included the EPM automate command "RunDailyMaintenance" to make sure that version incompatibility does not b…
summing does not occur as expectedSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi I need to get the sum of all the level 0 accounts, level 0 cost centers, where a member is tag…
What is the recommended Netsuite SuiteApp to suppport direct ERP connection to EPBCSSummary: We need to retrieve Balances and Metadata from NETSUITE ERP via direct connection into EPBCS. What is the recommended SuiteApp of the two available options and …
can a power user create a schedule in task manager and open the schedule.Summary: i have a user with a power user role. When logged in to his account he can see the templatein task manager, he can create a schedule for this template but once …
Planning to utilize API to load data from external source to EPCBS data management.Planning to utilize API to load data from external source to EPCBS data management. Which data location folder does the API data should be directed to? And can you share…
Oracle Healthcare Planning Starter Kit Solution Demo Script and DataHi Oracle Community, how can I access to Demo Script and Data from Oracle Healthcare Planning Solution?
pipeline from groovySummary: Is there any way to call pipeline from groovy apart from REST API? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version y…
Issue while running business rule - An error occurred while running the specified calc scriptSummary: Issue while running business rule - An error occurred while running the specified calc script Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We …
Decimal precision not working -groovy-csvwriter -datagrid exportSummary: Hi All, I am exporting datagrid to csv file(csvwriter) using Groovy script. The exported data has precision issues as below. For Example: In smartview, the data…
One click single Cube migration by snapshot, possible?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, Just for brainstorm on a migration case. Let's say there is an application with 3 cubes - PRO…
Create Choice List for Integration FiltersSummary: Create a drop-down list for Integration filters Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, I found this document using "Choice List" to …
Groovy - How to exclude shared members from ASO createDataExporter()?Summary: HI All - I need to exclude shared members from a createDataExporter() ASO data export. Would the best way way be to create two lists : List 1 with the members f…
Error opening certain reports since update Feb 25Summary: Since the upgrade of Feb 25, some reports have the following error when opening it: ""Provide Feedback" and contact Oracle Support. Reference: a70b0cba-6c27-418…
Is there a way to automate updating data map member mappings?Summary: We have a cross pod data map with member mappings. There is no ability to do dynamic member maps so we need to manually update it every time a new member is add…
How to use EPM pipeline copy to Object Storage and copy from Object Storage job typesSummary: Can not use EPM pipeline both copy to Object Storage and copy from Object Storage job types Does anyone sucessfully use these 2 pipeline job types?? Content (pl…
ESSG_ERR_Operationfailed error after clicking on save in data formSummary: We are getting the ESSG_ERR_OPERATIONFAILED error after clicking on the save button of the form. There is no information available in error to know what is caus…
Getting Error while using [[PlanningFunctions.getUserVarValue("xyz")]]Summary: we are using [[PlanningFunctions.getUserVarValue("OEP_Scenario")]] and [[PlanningFunctions.getUserVarValue("OEP_Version")]] in business rule, we have user varia…