Discussion List
How to show POV selection in PDF format in Narrative Report?Hi all, We are migrating the FRS reports to Narrative Report. In FRS, the setup for FRS report is prompted POV to let user select and there is a choice list for user to …ZIZHENG GAO-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
Book is generating PeriodOffset error for me. Book and report work for other users.Summary: Existing book and its report open with a period value of 'Jan' and is getting a PeriodOffset error for me. Report in NR is linked to Planning ASO cube. Report i…
Narrative Reporting - Drill to Content Prompt Carry OverSummary: Looking for feedback when it comes to the construction Oracle Narrative Web Based Reports. I have included “Drill to Content” enabling users to click on a dimen…
Custom headings not displaying for formula rowsSummary: In financial reporting web studio, we have many formula rows with custom headings. The headings are visible on the grid after initially adding them, but once th…
NRCS Suppression settings for Departments with no DataHi All, We have a NRCS report using a PBCS application as Data source. We need to suppress the full report if any department has No Data. We have tried different combina…
How do you suppress NRCS reports for bursting definition members with no data?Summary: We have all historical departments in our department hierarchies. Many of the departments are old and have no data. We then use the department hierarchies in ou…
What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 24.10What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 24.10 Please refer to the October 2024 What's New Guide to understand the new features included in EPM Cl…Dave Roberts_-Oracle 141 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
Would there be a solution for the headers to appear as text in Excel in EPM Reports?Summary: We are migrating our reports from Financial Reports (FR) to Reports in EPM. The headers appear as images in Excel, which is a pain. It worked fine in FR. You've…
Is there an option in NR to have the data in Staging table to store Source dataSummary: Every time when the NR report opens, it pulls the data from Source. The current reports when it opens during Qtr-ends with number of usage at the same time agai…Rajarajan Ellappan 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
Row Count and Control Sum in EPM ReportsSummary: We have a request by our Accounting Team to add Row Count and Control Sum in the Financial Reports. We recently converted from FRS to Reports. The requirement c…
Accessing unrounded numbers in Narrative ReportingSummary: Hi, My client currently has a report where the numbers are scaled to millions. However, they are wondering if there's a way to also access the original, unround…
Can multiple users be entering inline Notes in one report to different line items simultaneously?Summary: Can multiple people be working in the same report, entering Notes on different line items of an inline Note Template as long as a dimension member (like account…Stephanie Philopoulos 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Komala Reddy-Oracle Narrative Reporting
Oracle Best Practice of Creating Management Reports Remote Library (Planning) or NRSummary: Hello experts, we are in the process of building Budget Book with around 50+ Management Reports, need oracle's recommendations on the below 2 scenarios. Create …
Ability to view history for a Note in Narrative ReportingSummary: Is there functionality to view history for a Note aside from the original author and date and most recent modified by and date? Content (please ensure you mask …Stephanie Philopoulos 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
How do I show a 100% variance percent when the previous period is 0I want to show 100% for the variance percent when the previous figure is 0. I am using the formula: eval(current period - previous period) / previous period. In the 2 im…
Align report within Planning and Narrative ReportingI have one instance of Planning and another instance of Narrative Reporting. I am generating reports in Narrative Reporting from reports copied from Planning to be able …
How To Export Narrative Reporting Reports to another EPM instance (EPBCS) ?Summary: We have report/s in Narrative Reporting Cloud service (NRCS) that we want to export out of NRCS and then import into Planning (EPBCS) applicaiton. There is no f…
Download grid as Excel ad-hoc when data rows/columns are hiddenSummary: When downloading grid as Excel-adhoc in Narrative reporting, it gives an error if all data rows/columns in the grid are hidden. This was not an issue in FR befo…
language alias selection for a reference doclet when used in report package?Summary: A single report can be ran manually against any language alias available in your Chart of accounts, but do you really have to double your reports when used as r…
Multi Select POV for a dimension on Row LayoutSummary: Multi Select POV for a dimension on Row Layout Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement for a report, where the Row …
NR Report Rounding Cell Value WrongIssue Summary: I have a report in NR which, when rounding the value 0.00499964375194395 to 2 decimal places, returns a value of 0.01. Details: The report is built in Nar…
Why would NR report against Fusion run for one user but not another?Hello. There are several posts about creating a connection to Fusion within NR and then having users run reports but none of them seemed to address the issue I have. NR …
Suppress rows on the basis of notes in line grid entryI have created a grid in Narrative Reporting which has 3 note columns with account and data source members in rows. I want to suppress the rows which has no notes entere…
Filtering the top 20% and Bottom 10%Summary: I am working in a Dashboard Report Identify Top Talent (using Performance and Potential) Report. Is there a way to filter the top 20% and bottom 10% of employee…
How to add threshold line in Narrative Reporting bar charts?Hi Team, can we add threshold line on Y axis in narrative reporting bar charts to compare the value with specific threshold value. eg. If we have bar with data 10,000 an…
Narrative Reporting Formula - Ignore negative values in sumHi, In narrative reporting I have a number of conditional suppressions in my report for negative values. I am trying to only sum the positive values for a certain range …
Is there a way to turn off word-wrap in NR Notes?Summary: I want the size of the Note to remain the same on the face of the report. If there is more text than will fit in the Note then it just wraps and makes the Note …
Cells exceeded the threshold in Reporting Web Studio (EPM cloud OCI)Hi, we are currently using Reporting Web Studio to update our HFR report. Our clients wants to add more columns into the report but we are getting the error for threshol…
Power user ability to edit reportsHi, Can a power user edit any report in the Library, if yes, is there a way to restrict him from editing specific reports.
How to Export NR Library Folder Contents to an External DirectorySummary: Seeking a solution to get 500+ bursted PDFs out of Narrative Reporting Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Because we have 500+ membe…