Account reconciliations
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How to pass period number parameter to EPM Agent query when fiscal and calendar year don't matchSummary: Hi All, I am using EPM Integration Agent to integrate with PeopleSoft. My client's fiscal year and calendar year do not match and the queries require the passin…Megan Morgan 126 views 3 comments -1 point Most recent by Thejas Shetty-Oracle Account Reconciliation
ARCS Release 21.11: Create Custom User GroupsSummary: Custom User Groups are not listed in Workflow or Access sections of Profile Content (required): Release 21.11 includes an option to create custom user groups fr…
Matching Date CalculationSummary: The client has a requirement to match with a date tolerance. Transaction Matching's date tolerance, example: from 0 -2, will match transactions that fall within…Sloan Nunziato 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Arjun Kumanduri-Oracle Account Reconciliation
Can a preparer recall a reconciliation?Summary: Preparer submit reconciliation but then realizes they need to update something. Instead of asking the reviewer to reject the reconciliation is there an option f…
Copy Balance ExplanationsContent Hi everyone I am looking for a design suggestion - users have a requirement to copy balance explanations to new recons from prior recons only if the prior recon'…
How Group works in format rule filterSummary: Hi All, Let say I have some conditions, x=10 and y=20, if both the conditions meet,it will return true, then perform auto-submit and auto-approve. But when it c…Prakash Singh-145122 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Prakash Singh-145122 Account Reconciliation
Cannot Delete Comments in transactionsSummary Cannot delete commentsContent When copying a transaction from a previous period I am not able to delete the previous comments. We are upgrading from ARM to ARCS …
Displaying ARCS Compliance Dashboard in FCCSSummary: Hi All, I have a specific requirement, I am planning to see the ARCS compliance Dashboard from FCCS. One way to achieve this is to use the ARCS URL link in the …Prakash Singh-145122 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Prakash Singh-145122 Account Reconciliation
ERROR_INVALID_PERIOD.............. Invalid period specified in the file.Summary Loaded Data into FDMEE, the log file has the error, "ERROR_INVALID_PERIOD.............. Invalid period specified in the file."Content Looking for what I am missi…
Prior Recon Status AttributeSummary: From last nights event there was a nice item on Copy Transaction rule. In there it was required to setup a Prior Recon Status attribute using: IF_THEN_ELSE( PRI…Swap Support 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Arjun Kumanduri-Oracle Account Reconciliation
Functionality of scheduling custom report in windows serverSummary: The functionality of scheduling custom reports in windows server using EPM Automate Content (required): Hi Team I am looking for the functionality of scheduling…
Where is the import and export option for the Period Mapping enabled in the Data management?Summary: In the October release, there has an update for the import and export option for the period mappings in the DM. I have been checking in the ARCS Demo instance f…Subramanian Karunamoorthi 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Subramanian Karunamoorthi Account Reconciliation
Confirmed Matched custom report parameter not workingSummary: We are preparing a custom report for ARCS where we need confirmed matches reports on a daily basis to be loaded into the server. But the parameter of matched on…
Transaction Matching Adjustment Error: Unable to process binding "ojcomponent"Summary: I am have a match type that keeps showing this error within the suggested matches tab in the Adjustments section (See image) Transaction Matching Adjustment Err…
Transaction Matching an Amount with a Calculated AmountSummary: I'd like to configure a matching rule to match an amount from a source system to a calculated amount from a subsystem. The reason I need to match to a calculate…User_2025-01-31-02-27-25-352 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Subramanian Karunamoorthi Account Reconciliation
Creating Alert When Transactions are Loaded to ARCSSummary: Create an email alert when transactions are loaded to ARCS to the preparer Content (required): Is there a way to create an email alert to the preparer when tran…User_2025-01-31-02-27-25-352 41 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Subramanian Karunamoorthi Account Reconciliation
What's New in EPM Cloud Release 21.10Summary: Learn about what's new in EPM Cloud Release 21.10. Content (required): Please refer to the October 2021 What’s New guide to understand the new features included…Laura Ferris-Oracle 31 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Laura Ferris-Oracle Account Reconciliation
Populating Custom Attribute in Reconciliation DashboardHi All, We are trying to calculate the RAG (Red, Amber, Green) status for one of our customer. Objective: Customer wants RAG (Item & Reconciliation level) to be populate…
Transaction Matching best approachSummary: Looking for the best approach for loading transactions for matching into ARCS. Client is using Oracle ERP/HCM for source systems I want to see if anyone has use…
Is JD Edwards directly integrated with ARCS?Summary Is JD Edwards directly integrated with ARCS? If not do Oracle has this on roadmap?
I needed to replace below with (current month -1 ) ( current year ). How do I do that in EPM automatCALL "%EPMAUTOMATE%" importBalances Test1 "April 2021" >> \Cloud_Automation\Applications\ARCS\Logs\Log1.txt CALL "%EPMAUTOMATE%" createReconciliations "April 2021" >> \C…
How to move files from one folder to another in DM using APIHi , We are trying to import balances using file based source and to do this we get balance files every hour in DM folder but the file name is same and when the Upload A…User_2025-02-11-00-22-34-536 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Osman Account Reconciliation
Entering Date in the Reconciliation once its closedSummary Entering Date in the Reconciliation once its closedContent Hi All, I have a query, Is there a way to allow Preparer to enter the date in the Adjustment in the Ba…Prakash Singh-145122 26 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Prakash Singh-145122 Account Reconciliation
EPM Automate for ERP Cloud GL BalancesSummary EPM Automate for ERP Cloud GL BalancesContent Hi All, I am looking to run a set of EPM Automate commands to completely automate the load of GL Balances from ERP …Preston Oakes 42 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Thejas Shetty-Oracle Account Reconciliation
What's New in EPM Cloud Release 21.09Summary Learn about what's new in EPM Cloud Release 21.09.Content Please refer to the September 2021 What’s New guide to understand the new features included in EPM Clou…Laura Ferris-Oracle 14 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Laura Ferris-Oracle Account Reconciliation
Generate Report BinderSummary Getting Null Zip folderContent Hi All, I am getting the Null Zip folder while triggering the Generate Report Binder.Recons are there for the period, for which I …Prakash Singh-145122 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Prakash Singh-145122 Account Reconciliation