Discussion List
Difference between "Donwload for my direct Reports" and "Download for my Organization" Action?Hello everyone Do you know difference between "Donwload for my direct Reports" and "Download for my Organization" Action in "My Team" section for Manager? I've attached …
Child Process in Warning - Sync Microsoft Calendar for Instructor-Led Training Payload ErrorSummary: The second child process of Sync Microsoft Calendar ends in a warning with the message MSCALENDAR-000016; Invalid Payload. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoo…
Can we edit Create a new assignment checkmark within Initiatives?Summary: When creating an Initiative, we have the option at very bottom of Page 3 'Create a new assignment checkmark' Can we change this option? i.e. Possibility to remo…
When running "Learn Migration" process, "Digital Learning Migration" does not come up as an optionSummary: We are following directions from 24D Learning and Development What's New, in the section "Managing Self-Paced Learning Redwood Experience", linked here. Instruc…
Dominknow integrationSummary: Hi Team, Does oracle support integration with Dominknow third party vendor? Basically Dominknow provides AICC URL's and once a learner clicks on the link they w…
Enabling SMS alert and mobile push notification is LearnSummary: Customer has requested to enable SMS alerts and push notifications for various conditions such as course expiry, reminder to take action and enroll, learner ass…
eLearning videos have started pausing when screen isn't activeSummary video content now paused automatically if a user moves away from the browser screen Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have notice…
How to hide "search the catalog" button from my learning experience in VBSSummary: Hi There, We have requirement to hide "search the catalog" button from my learning experience using VBS. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
Can we send the QR code through OLC notification to the instructor for Learner Attendance Form ?Summary: in 24A there is this new feature called" Learner Attendance Form and QR Code". We would like to send the QR code or the URL link to the instructor through OLC n…
MS - Teams Error "Access Forbidden to use Vilt Provider features"Hi all I've configured MS - Teams External provider but If I click on "View Error" section compare the error "Access Forbidden to use Vilt Provider features". I've attac…
Recommending Trending Learning ItemsSummary: Hi Experts, Can anyone please confirm where the trending with others recommendations introduced in 24D appear to the Learner? Similar to Popular with others in …
Clear expiry dates through HDLSummary: Is it possible to clear a learning assignment expiry date through an hdl load? I tried using #NULL but I receive the following error message: "Message details: …
WLF_ASSIGNMENT_TASKS_F does not have Latest InfoSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, We are using WLF_ASSIGNMENT_TASKS_F to fetch the data from the learn tables. Unfor…
Learning - generation of attendance reports in the case of multiple instructorSummary: Hi, in reference to this document , in the chapter Set Up Attendance Defaults for Virtual Instructor-Led Training Activities, when does the host refer to the in…
Learning alert being triggered two days in a rowSummary: Hi all, We have an issue where the Resource Alert for the assigned courses is being triggered two days in a row for some users. We believe this started after we…
What is the limit of templates that can be used for the 'send alert' functionality?Hi all, What is the limit of templates that can be used for the 'send alert' functionality? Thank you, Fabio
Is it possible hide current course of their direct reports for Manager?Hi all, Is it possible to hide the current courses of their direct reports from the manager? Our client wants the manager to only see the completed courses. I've attache…
after 24B release I can't add learning outcomes when create a courseSummary: Hi all, Before release 24B while creating a course there were two more tabs available: "Learning outcomes" and " Prerequisites". Is there another way to add the…
The Complete option not showing up under the Mass Actions menu on the Learners page of an offering.Summary: We're trying to change the status of the Learners of our course offerings to "Complete". There is only one person who has the ability to do this. For the other …
short learning course registers more than 3000 hours in oracle hcm fusionSummary: short learning registers more than 3000 hours? Does it just register the time between start and end? Is there something in the settings we can do? Content (plea…
"Total Active Learner Assignments" in the NEW dashboardSummary: "Total Active Learner Assignments" in the NEW dashboard of Course & Offering Content (required): We enabled activity sequencing through controlled availability,…
Microsoft Outlook Calendar Integration with Learning - How to Update the content of calendar InviteSummary: We recently implemented the Microsoft Outlook Calendar Integration with Learning. Is there a way to make changes to the content of calendar Invite that is sent …
Possible to trigger Learning Alert from Learning Status?Summary: Hello, Are we able to configure Learning alerts that will be triggered when a Learning Assignment is changed to a particular status? For example, Exempted, Not …
How to remove eLearning Items task within "Learning Catalog" section?Hi all, My client's goal is to remove eLearning Items task within "Learning Catalog" section only for some custom roles (Inherited from the standard role "Learning speci…
How to change the default sort from the Redwood My Learning Experiences pageSummary: Our organization is moving to the Redwood employee pages this quarter. On the My Learning Experience pages, we would like to change the Sort By default value fr…
Redwood, how to disable "View My Learning Journeys"?Summary: We are on 24B. Looking for a way to disable or hide "View My Learning Journeys" button.
How to have course fields automatically populate in offering?Summary: Hello, When creating a course we have to complete several field such as Source,Category (see screenshot). When creating Offerings in the course , we have to com…
MS Teams integration not updating class attendanceSummary: We have been testing the MS Teams & Outlook integrations. Everything works well apart from the participant status is not being updated. We have configured the a…
Role or Privilege to access Learning Course Skills and QualificationsWe are on 24B. Navigate to My Client Groups > Learning > Courses > search for a Course Under General Information, click on Manage. As a system administrator, after selec…
Is it possible hide withdraw action at the level of Learning item?Hi all, Do you now if is it possible hide withdraw action at the level of learning item? I've attached the screen for more clarify Thank you Fabio