Supplier Creation
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Default Pay on Receipt when new Supplier Site is createdSummary: We have a Business Requirement wherein the Supplier Management teams wants the Pay on Receipt option to be automatically checked whenever a new Supplier Site is…
How to I update Supplier Site Payment Terms in Mass?Summary: I have approximately 175 suppliers (we have over 500 suppliers) that I need to change the terms from N25 to N30. Content (required): I have completed the follow…
Can you add an attachment to the supplier profile details income tax tab?Summary: Is there a way to add an option to add an attachment to the supplier profile details section under the income tax tab versus adding the attachment at the suppli…
Supplier address created by the system when we load the suppliers through the spreadsheetSummary: Hi, when we load the suppliers with the type as Intercompany through the spreadsheet along with Supplier addresses, sites and site assignments, there is a recor…Tarun Kumar Balivada 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Elena-Cristina Staniloiu-Oracle Supplier Management
Next Generation User Experience for Supplier Self-Service RegistrationHi All, Need your help in below case - While registering the supplier using next gen page when selected incorrected bank there is no “Blank” or “Bank not listed” option …
create new supplier payment methodWould you please let me know how to create a new payment method so that I can choose from the list of payment methods when edit the profile of a supplier? Thanks a lot!
Duplicate Supplier Bank AccountSummary: Does Oracle fusion allows creating duplicate supplier bank account record. Is there any setting to turn on/off this functionality. Please help to provide any su…
Customization of Supplier Registration Bank Account detailsHi Experts, I have a client request to customize the External Supplier Registration Bank Details page. Could you please confirm if it's possible to limit the Deposit Typ…
How to set up suppliers for bookkeeping invoices only in Oracle Fusion Cloud?Summary: Some transactions in Brazil need to be recorded buy not paid out. Bookkeeping invoices only. And we were wondering what supplier setup would look like in these …
contact information should be mandatory in address feild while creating the supplierSummary: Hello Experts We want to make the contact information mandatory in address field while creating the customer, also we want to keep the same fields for all the c…
default payment method for employee supplierSummary: Hi Experts, We have already setup payment method defaulting rules as ACH, but now the business has a new requirement, when the supplier type is Employee, the de…Sandy Ling 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Melissa Carrick - Oracle-Oracle Supplier Management
How to add Verbiage for Supplier registration Secret codeSummary: The Redwood UI supplier Registration email containing the Secret registration code should include verbiage, not just code itself. How to Achieve this Customizat…
Add text to final page after submitting the requestCurrently in Next Generation User Experience for Supplier Self-Service Registration we could see when we (user) submit the supplier registration request, system shows me…
Add Link to the error message in supplier registration for quick access to the incomplete questionSummary: In Redwood UI Supplier Registration For an incomplete supplier registration, system only gives the error with the question number but no link to go to the probl…
How to import a geography hierarchy in VietnamSummary: I want to add a new geographical hierarchy in Viet Nam Is there a way to create a new geography hierarchy by importing? Content (please ensure you mask any conf…
Implication if we mark address field as non mandatory?Navigation: Procurement >> Supplier >> Edit Address. We would like to mark suburb fields as non mandatory. We do not understand why oracle has marked suburb field as man…Faisal Naeem Shaikh 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Phanindra V Gollapalli-Oracle Supplier Management
Remove required fields in supplier addressSummary: Remove required fields by country within the supplier address. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello colleagues, Currently, when …
Is it possible to make Note To Approver field mandatory while registering new supplier?Hi Team, We are working on the VB Studio where in we wanted to make the Note to approver filed mandatory on the supplier registration page. We are following below docume…
Is it possible to make Note To Approver field mandatory while registering new supplier?We are doing a POC on - Next Generation User Experience for Supplier Self-Service Registration. While registering the supplier we could see Note to approver filed but it…
Redwood: Next Generation User Experience for Supplier RegistrationHi All, Quick question - Is "Redwood: Next Generation User Experience for Supplier Registration" is going to be forced/Mandatory from 25A release ? Regards, Neeraj.
Customer/Supplier displaying addressesSummary: Customer/Supplier displaying addresses Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a lot of customers that are also suppliers. When I…
can we add code of conduct along with questionnaire while registering new supplier ?we are doing a POC on Next Generation User Experience for Supplier Self-Service Registration, while doing it we observed that there is no code of conduct filed. Is it po…
Monitor Comments on Internal supplier registration requestSummary: Users would like to Monitor Comments on Internal supplier registration request during Supplier registration workflow approval Content (please ensure you mask an…
Puerto Rico tax formsHello, We are getting ready to configure our Puerto Rico division of our company into our cloud instance. We would like to know the best practices around this setup. Spe…
Inactivate Supplier ESS jobSummary: We are unable to generate the inactivation supplier list even if we have all required privileges. Is there a way to generate the list? Content (please ensure yo…
Data flow from Customer Data Management to ERP in Oracle FusionSummary: Hi Team, Customers and Suppliers are getting created in Customer Data Management (CDH) screen or UI in Oracle. Now, when the Customer/Suppliers are created here…Harshil_Shah 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Melissa Carrick - Oracle-Oracle Supplier Management
Reactivate Supplier profile from FBDISummary: Hi Team, We have inactivated 950 suppliers and now business is asking to re activate the supplier to remove the Inactive date and keep status as ACTIVE. We trie…
How to Unmask the Supplier Tax Registration Number in Supplier Registration Approval Notification?Summary: Supplier Tax Registration Number is Masked in Supplier Registration Approval Notification. How to unmask the tax registration number in the approval notificatio…Abu Hussain 36 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Melissa Carrick - Oracle-Oracle Supplier Management
Do we have to create a specific supplier if they have a separate tax Registration numberSummary: Supplier represent a legal corporation in specific country. Do we have to create foreach legal corporation a specific supplier if they have a separate tax regis…
How to define default value in a lov with a sandbox?Hi, We would to define a default value in a lov, how is it possible to do this with the sandbox? Thanks Regards