Business Intelligence
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OTBI - Purchase Agreements - Enable Automatic Sourcing flagSummary: Unable to find 'Enable Automatic Sourcing' flag in the OTBI Subject Area 'Procurement - Purchase Agreements Real Time' Content (required): Hi, I'm creating an O…
Touch less buying SetupsSummary Touch less buying SetupsContent Hi All, Please share setups Documents for Touch less buying Setups. Thanks, Dev Thota. Version 21B
Purchase Order PDF document needs to be mailed to multiple e mail address or place the pdf file FTPSummary: Purchase Order PDF document needs to be mailed to multiple e mail address or place the pdf file FTP location Content (required): Hi, Can anyone suggest how to a…User_2025-02-11-14-55-38-893 11 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-11-14-55-38-893 Purchasing
How to Create Dependent LOV Parameters for custom ESS job using LOV's ?Summary: Hi we are trying to create Dependent LOV parameters for custom ESS job using LOV's ,Value set and lookup's . but we are unable to do that for custom report . af…User_2025-02-11-23-36-23-456 304 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gergana Radoutcheva-Oracle Financials – General (READ ONLY)
Need a Purchase Order Revision History ReportSummary We need to see amounts changed in our purchase ordersContent We cannot find a report that shows details of change order amounts. We would like to see the details…
Procurement BU is blank in Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order PageSummary Procurement BU is blank in Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order Page Content Hi All, Procurement BU is blank in Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order Page. …
How to control or restrict the Buyer from choosing other Buyer while creating the Purchase Order?Content What is the logic behind the Buyer field being open (LOV) and our client is having an issue because the Buyers are creating the POs on behalf of others with wron…
How to locate documents in someone queue for approval and then reassign them to someone elseContent There are few POs sent to the user for approval and the user is not available to approve them. They are pending his approval so how to identify them and reassign…
Is it possible to use bold characters and underlined text in a burst notification?Content Hi, We have a requirement to send out a burst report to all our PO owners about how much of it is invoiced, funds remained on POs etc. The Procurement team gave …
Total Received/Delivered Amount on PO is not Matching with Inventory Valuation/Liability Account.Summary Total Received/Delivered Amount on PO is not Matching with Inventory Valuation/Liability Account.Content Hi Team - I created a PO with 2 qty and unit price 100. …
UK: Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting compliance.Summary I'm trying to find out if Oracle have plans to develop functionality to enable UK organisations comply with Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting compliance.Co…User_2025-01-28-05-22-13-213 28 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-28-05-22-13-213 Purchasing
DFF on PO with the display type as "Inline Search" is breaking the PO page completely upon adding 2Content Created a DFF at Purchase Order Header called "Dept Location" and display type given as "Inline search" deployed. Logged into new session, created a new purchase…
How to link or add Negotiation details like Negotiation Number, Award Date etc. on PO or AgreementsContent Is there any way to link the negotiation details (negotiation number and award date) or be transferred automatically from negotiation to PO or agreements that ar…
Unable to retrieve Release amount for Contract AgreementSummary Unable to retrieve Release amount for Contract Agreement using Purchasing Agreement Real Time Subject Area. Can anyone help?
What would be the sql query to get Receipt date from PO number?Summary What would be the sql query to get Receipt date from PO number?Content What would be the sql query to get Receipt date from PO number?User_2025-02-05-07-23-13-113 1.4K views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Raghavan p-Oracle Purchasing
XML to EDI Translation in OICSummary Need pointers w.r.t XML to EDI translations in OIC from the Mapping of fields if anyContent Hi Experts , We are looking to begin EDI interactions with one partic…
OTBI Procurement Subject Area shows Communication Date same for Original and Change Order PO DocumenSummary OTBI Procurement Subject Area shows Communication Date same for Original and Change Order PO DocumentContent Hi, We got to see that PO Communication date to supp…User_2025-02-10-05-51-05-868 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User753632-Oracle Purchasing
Need URL/link to Access Oracle Integration for Mass Close PO Activity using IntegrationSummary Need URL/link to Access Oracle Integration for Mass Close PO Activity using IntegrationContent Hi, We have been trying to mass close PO's using oracle integratio…User_2025-02-10-05-51-05-868 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-10-05-51-05-868 Purchasing
How to Display Discounts on Purchase Order Lines in the PDFContent After opt in to the Capture Supplier Discounts on Purchase Order Lines feature, you can capture discount information on your purchase order lines. To communicate…
How to Display the Master Contract Number in the PDFContent After opt in to the Associate a Master Contract with a Purchasing Document feature, you can link your purchasing documents to master contracts. To communicate th…
Deep Link to Process Requisitions PageSummary I want to open the Process Requisition page from an infolet showing Reqs assigend by BuyerContent Does anyone have the URL structure to drill from an OTBI analys…
Approved requisitions not generating PO'sContent We are finding that some of our requisitions are still in process status because it requires a negotiation to turn into a PO. Oracle support supplied a sql query…
How to Open Closed Purchase Orders in Oracle CloudSummary How to Open Closed Purchase Orders in Oracle CloudContent Hi All. How to Open Closed Purchase Orders in Oracle Cloud Thanks, Dev Thota. Version 20B
Procurement DashboardSummary Drill Down FeatureContent Why does all dashboards in procurement are detailed by PR Lines.
Order Email Template ProblemSummary I cannot see arrangements instantly .Content Hi, In previous version, after i arrange email template, I could use new template instantly. But for now, I have to …User_2025-02-05-02-38-04-251 63 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by David Headley-Oracle Purchasing
Is it possible to configure Service procurement and complex PO in fusion environmentSummary Is it possible to configure Service procurement and complex PO in fusion environmentContent Is it possible to configure Service procurement and complex PO in fus…
How to Reassign or add two approvers at a time for a BIP ApprovalsContent Recently, we updated our Purchase Order Approvals and Requisition Approvals from ADF to BIP notifications. In older approval notifications we use to have a optio…
Can we do the summation of 2 diffrent DFFSummary Suppose we have created 2 DFF 1. A and 2.B so can be we add the DFF A and B show the result in CContent Suppose we have created 2 DFF 1. A and 2. B, so can we ad…
Need an OTBI report/ field that shows PO AP Accrual AccountSummary Need an OTBI report/ field that shows PO AP Accrual AccountContent Hi would like to see if any of the OTBI subject areas for Procurement have a field that shows …
Updated Navigate to Purchasing Transactions from Reports WhitepaperContent You can construct and include links to purchasing documents in your reports using the Navigate to Purchasing Transactions from Reports feature. The whitepaper fo…Boyuan Zhu-Oracle 275 views 3 comments 8 points Most recent by User_2025-01-31-22-49-42-254 Purchasing