Discussion List
Can we hide approval units from users who do not own them?Summary: Can we hide approval units from users who do not own them? Additionally, is it possible to configure the "Display my approval units" feature to be set as the de…
Users can see members in approval list, which are not assigned to users as ownerSummary: In My application(Rev cube and capital cube), we are using cell level security to limit access to certain cost centres in REV cube, although user has access to …Vandana_J08 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Old_School_DCom-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
There is no Total Geography under Tree view to select hierarchySummary: in EPM Test there is no Total Geography under Tree view to select hierarchy - We need to have the Hierarchy to open and close periods. How would we add the Tree…
Upcoming ChangesIn the Oracle's Roadmap below, We w…BhanuD 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Suruchi S-Support-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Approve/Reject option in email EPBCSApproval workflow has been enabled in EPBCS for a client based out of India. Requirement from client is to get an approval notification in email but with a approve or Re…
Open the approval form directly from the email link in the approval emailWe have a requirement in EPBCS where we are trying to introduce approvals. While testing, we observe that when an approval email is triggered, it just contains the link …
Workforce Approvals IssueSummary: Even after planner has promoted it's planning unit to the reviewer, and the cells on the form are greyed out; USER is still able to right click and Add new requ…Ravinder Singh-63390 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ravinder Singh-63390 EPM Platform and Freeform
Customer is unable to find the EDMCS requests related to specific (Dev, Test Or PROD) environmentSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…Ramarao Katta-Oracle 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kevin Black Enterprise Data Management
Workforce planning approvals based on position hierarchySummary: In workforce planning module, client wants to do Workforce planning approvals based on position hierarchy and not based on Entity hierarchy. Please could you ad…Ravinder Singh-63390 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ravinder Singh-63390 EPM Platform and Freeform
Email setup and subject setup for email notificationsSummary:We have a requirement where we need to setup an email inbox as a recipient of all emails from the ARCS cloud. We would also need help on setting the subject for …
Need multiple levels of Budget ApprovalsHi Folks, There's a requirement from Client in budget approval process where they want two options for budget approval, one direct approval and sign off (Where you don't…
Opening a form/tasklist directly from the link in Approval flowSummary: Client doesnt want to navigate the tool and should be able to directly be redirected to form/tasklist to approve budget transfers from the link that he/she rece…
Using SendMailHas anyone used Send Mail (v2) REST API to send emails to users? If anyone has, can you please help me understand how it's done? I've tried searching for it but didn't f…Shareef_Ahamed 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Patrick Northcraft EPM Platform and Freeform
Force readonly on cells depending on user's group and a flag - GroovySummary: Force readonly on cells depending on user's group Content (required): Hello, Users found approvals complicated to use. So we are implementing a manuel worklfow …
Relocation of Identity Domain FailedSummary We are trying to relocate the identity domain of planning to build the SSO with Fusion as fusion and planning are on different identity domains.Content We raised…Jash Joshi-36171 53 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by User722208-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Recovery services/Business continuitySummary Trying to find details on recovery services for EPM cloudContent Can someone please point me to info re: Oracle's recovery services for EPM cloud?User_2025-01-28-21-08-14-146 57 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Katrina Boyajian EPM Platform and Freeform