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HCM Data Loader (HDL) AccessSummary Explains the function security privileges required to access HDL tasks and features. Content The information previously published in this topic is now available …Ema Johnson-Oracle 321 views 2 comments 5 points Most recent by Ema Johnson-Oracle HCM Data Loader (HDL)
HDL MessagesSummary Details of HDL messages that are being changedContent In 20C the following messages are being replaced: A logical start date is required You have provided a date…
HCM Data Loader Dashboard for OTBISummary HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader OTBI reports for 21C and beyondContent Download the HCM Data Loader Dashboard for OTBI from the HCM Report Sharin…Ema Johnson-Oracle 27 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Ema Johnson-Oracle HCM Data Loader (HDL)
HDL Data Set Errors BI Publisher ReportSummary A temporary BI Publisher report to extract the details of failed lines in your data set.Content In release 20B, HCM Data Loader was enhanced to protect data sets…Ema Johnson-Oracle 305 views 10 comments 8 points Most recent by Ema Johnson-Oracle HCM Data Loader (HDL)
Supporting BI Publisher Reports for Loading US Payroll DataSummary Extract the data needed to upload US Calculation Cards and Balance InitializationContent Complex Payroll objects, such as Calculation Card, Balance Initializatio…Ema Johnson-Oracle 108 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Ema Johnson-Oracle HCM Data Loader (HDL)
Supporting BI Publisher Reports for Loading Localization Payroll DataSummary HDL resources are now found in the HCM Resource Center: * BI Publisher Report: Third Party Payees for Involuntary Deduction Cards * BI Publisher Report: Tax Repo…Ema Johnson-Oracle 61 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Ema Johnson-Oracle HCM Data Loader (HDL)