Discussion List
Sample ZIP File for Deleting the BOSummary: Can anybody Please share a Sample Application ZIP File for Deleting/Clearing the BO Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicabl…
How to Purge the Busieness Object through a Button Click Event/ VB EnterSummary: Can anybody Please advise on How to Purge the Business Object through a Button Click Event/ VB Enter. We want this without using Data Manager Content (required)…
Is it possible to delete all records in a BO using a REST CALL?Summary Similar to truncating a table in plsqlContent Hello, We have a requirement to truncate/delete all records in a Business Object and then re-poplulate with new rec…
Moving my apps from VBCS to Visual Builder Studio (BO endpoints and Data)Summary: Content (required): Hi Experts, I followed the tutorials to move my app to visual builder studio. But when I run it, I noticed that all the pages has error when…
Advantage of ORDS api direct call in vbcs and calling ords services via OIC then call oic in vbcsSummary: Hi experts advantage of ORDS api over OIC calls in vbcs . suppose ORDS being called in OIC for VBCS services what is the disadvantage its better approach or not…
Is it possible to access ATP custom DB objects directly ( without exposing them as REST API) in VBCSSummary: Is it possible to access ATP custom DB objects directly ( without exposing them as REST API) in VBCS Content (required): Is it possible to access ATP custom DB …
How to Insert the Child Objects fetched from External REST API into Business ObjectSummary: Child Objects fetched from External REST API are not getting Posted into Business Object Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if appl…
Return List of Rows by GroovySummary: Hi experts, I am trying to return list of rows by groovy, i was trying this code: Content (required): Hi experts, I am trying to return list of rows by groovy, …
Special Request to (Shay Shmeltzer)->Issue while calling BIP ExternalReportWSSService by ConnectionSummary: I have registered a BIP report, whose default output is XML. My requirement is to populate the extracted XML data in ADP. I have followed this link, but it is n…
Trying to add the empty row in table.Summary: My requirement is create editable table while enter the partnumber then part_desc, UOM, bom_quantity, status will reflect auto through REST API, which is workin…
Filter in select single using SDPSummary: Filter in select single using SDP not working as expected. Content (required): We are currently using a SDP to populate data for a single select. The data sourc…
Need a Sample Application for ADP FilterSummary: Can any body Please share a Sample Application Filtering ADP Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add a…
Create Template with Header and Line in VBCS Excel PluginSummary: Hi We have a requirement to upload an invoice in VBCS BO but the template contains header values and table line items How to create template this template using…
How to handle post-refresh for Visual Builder FA ExtensionSummary: Hi Everyone We have utilized Visual Builder in FA to construct certain pages that make use of third-party APIs. Our intention is to transition to the PROD envir…
API/Rest Service to Create a Role and assign users in VBCS ApplicationSummary: Do we have any API/Rest Service to Create a Role and assign users in VBCS. Content (required): For Adding a new role in VBCS we need to create new version and d…
In VBCS Excel ADD-in , how to Download data for REST DATA SERVICE Module (ATP Database)?Summary: How to download data for ORDS Modules from ATP Database into Oracle Excel Add-in ? Not able to add parameter or columns in the excel. Content (required): I have…
Is it Possible to Insert the data Fetched from External REST API into a Business objectSummary: Is it Possible to Insert the data fetched from External REST API into a Business object. That is GET from External REST API and POST it into the BO How to achie…
How to Insert the data from Business Object into the Oracle Cloud Application?Summary: How to Insert the data from Business Object into the Oracle Cloud Application? There is no REST API to Perform the POST and patch Operation in the HCM Cloid for…
How to Insert the Data from One API to another APISummary: We are getting the data from Oracle HCM Cloud RESTAPI using GET Method. We have created a Business Object with the Same Fields Retrieved using the RESTAPI using…
Facing issue with calling SOAP Service in Visual Builder FA ExtensionSummary: Hi Team. - We are trying to call Fusion BIP SOAP web service from Visual Builder FA Studio. When we are running the application we are getting below error https…
single select nested arraySummary: i have done an ADP for countries that shows all the country in the world and bind the data in a single select for 'Country'. my question is, how do i make it so…
PDF generated a blank page.Summary: My table is based on ADP and I'm getting the data from ORDS and on button click i want to generate pdf but I'm getting the blank page of pdf. Please guide me. C…
Any call to OIC or procedures with POST failing from VB with 415/502 errorSummary: Hi Team, This is a recent observation where all working integrations that were either accepting a body or any query parameters as part of POST stopped working w…
Download huge volume of Data in ATP Database from UISummary: Best approach to give user the option to download large volume of data from VBCS UI Content (required): Hi All, We have data in one of the tables in oracle data…VBCS Learner-230793 71 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
how to get Server url from an service connection in VBCSSummary: Hi, We have a requirement where we need oracle SaaS url in VBCS app. We have a Service connection to call BIP reports which has server url contains correspondin…User_2025-03-07-05-45-48-104 173 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by VBCS Learner-230793 Visual Builder
VBCS - Test REST API - "save as example response" and "save as example request" buttons are disabledSummary: VBCS - Test REST API - "save as example response" and "save as example request" buttons are disabled Content (required): I am trying to test create project api …
VB Excel add-in ver 3.5 - Send Descendant Layout read-only BOSummary: The upload fails when a download-only child BO is linked to the parent BO. However per the documentation, the read-only BO's would be skipped during an upload a…
How to copy the action chain from one page to otherSummary: Hi Experts I have requirement where in I need the same action chain in another page. Please let me know the steps involved in moving the action chain from one p…
How to connect scan reader sensor tool to my applicationSummary: How to connect scan reader sensor tool to my application. The receipt shows using only mobile and reading image. But I want to use scan reader. Content (require…
File Upload Recipe: Activity Number?Summary: I was checking the File Upload Receipe but I did not get what is the activity number. Content (required): This is the link: Oracle Cloud Applications Recipe But…