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i want to change the redwood notification message to non redwood styleSummary: Hi Experts I want to change the notification message style in my redwood page template based application to non redwood style. Please help me how can i change t…
How to customize SDP dataSummary: How to customize SDP data Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Expert, How to customize value assigned to SDP variable through java…
Screen flickering issueSummary Screen flickers after an eventContent Hello Experts, I have a table(based on ADP) which has events associated with columns values and in the event I am doing som…User_2025-02-04-06-54-05-326 78 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Duncan Mills-Oracle Visual Builder
how to make the parent panel stretch as much as the table columnSummary: Hi Experts In my code i have a parent panel but i want it to stretch only upto the table column , in my below screenshot the panel is taking extra spaces but my…
SDP filter not working in select singleSummary: SDP filter not working in select single Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Expert, we have build page where we are using BU na…
adding vertical scroller like table to a panel or form any componentSummary: Hi Experts When we restrict the height of a table we get a vertical scroller on the right side to scroll to the top and bottom of the data in the table, but I w…
How to use text filter attribute in ADP VariableSummary: How to use text filter attribute in ADP Variable Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, what is the use of text filter attribut…
How to make footer non stickySummary: When we add footer from a fragment - shell footer, it is always sticky, how do we make it non static and flow with the page and diaplay at the bottom. Tried mul…
Adding codemirror to VBS projectSummary: Hi Team I need some help adding 3rd party libraries - code mirror which is having multiple JS/CSS to my VBS project. Can someone share any reference? Content (p…sailesh_cloudare 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Vignesh Viswanath-Oracle Visual Builder
How to design attcahed page in VBCS using RedwoodSummary: Hi, I am new to VBCS/Redwood. I am able to design basic create and edit form using Redwood template. However, i have a requirement to design a page in below for…
How to add table like data to combobox component like select singleSummary: Hi Experts I want to add the table data on combobox component like we can add in select single component, basically i want to show more than 1 column in the dro…
How to change the table header font type in redwood themeSummary: Hi Experts Please help me, on how to change the style of table column header in redwood. I want something like below but i get big font in table column header. …
Using Tooltip alternatives as it is no longer supported in v15 onwards.Summary: I want to create a tooltip over a badge that is within a cell in the table. This will show a tooltip of some data. It looks like tooltip/ oj-popup is no longer …
surrounding if around input text in form layout breaks the layoutSummary: Hi Experts I want to add condition on input text component in form layout but i could see that surrounding if around input text breaks the layout and creates em…
How to hide or remove 'No data display' in tableSummary: How to hide or remove 'No data display' in table Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Expert, Is there a way where we can remove th…
Upgrade existing VBCS page to Redwood themeSummary: I have a very complex VBCS page developed 2 years back ( with no templet ( empty Application )used during development ) . Now customer is looking if the VBCS pa…
How to do Navigation to other pages in an existing application ?Summary: I want to create like the built in navigation of VBCS in an existing application not creating a new application so how
Getting can't preview page error in VBCSSummary: Getting can't preview page error in VBCS Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Expert, I am getting the below error on the VBCS page…
How to correct viewport of VBCS embedded in an iframeContent Hi All, Seeking your expert assistance. Anyone has an idea how I can achieve this requirement? We have a VBCS widget embedded in client’s website. Client require…
How to show number next to icon or button inSummary: Hi Experts I have a requirement to show the number next to the icon or button as shown below, is it possible. Please help @Sherif Bashar @Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle …
How to edit this page called journey in Fusion ?Summary: how to edit this page like viewing the HTML code or add new components
where can i download redwood reference app for visual builder .zip fileSummary: Hi Experts Where can i get .zip file for redwood reference app for visual builder, i want to import the app and use for my use case. please help Content (requir…
Message Banner on Center of Page in Redwood TemplateSummary: We have a requirement to display the Message banner of the fire notification just below the Welcome Page Template in the VB App. As of now the Message is gettin…
Table columns flickers when the drawer expands/collapseSummary: Table columns flickers when drawer expands/collapse Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, I have a table with a drawer on the …Vignesh Viswanath-Oracle 3 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Redwood Override CSS for READ ONLY Text FieldsSummary: Content (required): I have attached a sample application where I am using the redwood-override.css file to override some of the CSS properties of text fields. O…User_2025-02-04-21-56-11-668 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Angel Tripp - Support-Oracle Visual Builder
How to format Time type in built in export buttonSummary: There is a column that is time type and i want to format it from T12:00:00 to 12:00 when exporting a table to excel file from built in export button
Implementing Two Different PWA Icons Based on Device WidthWe would like to use two different PWA icons for our application. We intend to use different icons based on the device width. Specifically, we want to display "…
tabbar selected itemHi, We are encountering an issue related to the tab bar functionality in our application. Specifically, we aim to have the second tab of the tab bar pre-selected upon th…
Closing the validation message for the input date field.Hello, I want to close the validation message that appears below the date input field after a date is selected in Oracle Visual Builder. How can I do that?
Issue with Fire data provided event in Editable tableSummary: Recently we have upgraded our application. We are using editable tables in our application. Our table data source is flow level ADP variable. In 'ojBeforeRowEdi…