SQL Dev Web
Discussion List
There is no spanish(EN) transulation in Table(FND_APPLICATION_TL)Hi Team, There is a column called error_warning_message from" FUSION_ORA_ESS.REQUEST_HISTORY" customer wants to convert the error warning message column to Spanish langu…
Where binding variable of a Fusion page is saved ?Summary: Page path: My team --> show more --> Team time card --> enter to anyone time card This is the Time Card page there is a lot of binding variables i want know whi…
Please share sample code that takes Json array as in value and out value in to package procedureSummary: Looking for a sample code that takes Json array as IN parameter into the package using json_array_t Looking for a sample code that takes Json array as OUT param…
How To Login With SYS User As SYSDBA In Oracle Autonomy Database Using SQLDeveloperSummary: How To Login With SYS User As SYSDBA In Oracle Autonomy Database Using SQLDeveloper I Try To Log With Next Methods and It Refuses To Login Database Password Cre…
PLS-00487: Invalid reference to variable 'INT'Summary: I am trying to execute the PL/SQL proc within Package but getting error while execution as schema name is 'INT' which is a reserved keyword. when I alter the se…
string literal longer than 32767 bytes.Summary: Hi Team I am trying to load JSON File content into DB table, but my block is throwing me an error as "string literal too long." set define off; DECLARE v_json_d…
How do I set the time zone data file in Autonomous Database?Summary: Receiving ORA-30094 error when building OML Model on Autonomous Database Content (required): I am receiving a an error: ORA-30094: failed to find the time zone …
How to Factory reset ubuntu instance, like fresh installationSummary: Hello, Actually I want to reset my Ubuntu instance, It's having problem with MySQL, I tried a lot but couldn't able to solve it. Hence decided to set my instanc…
Unable to grant role as SYSDBA to system user from dropdown option in SQL Dev.Summary: Content (required): Hi team, I am unable to grant role as SYSDBA to the system user having been granted as DBA role from the SQL query. But when I am trying to …
How to remove duplicate tags from XMLSummary: I am facing some issue while using UTL_HTTP rest service package we are getting some duplicate tags in client xml file which is causing issue to do sql Error : …
Deep Dive (3/11) - Intro to MySQL Database Service and HeatWaveContent We hope you can join us on 11 March 2021, 8 a.m. PT Event details: OCI – Introduction to MySQL Database Service and HeatWave If you have any questions or suggest…
DBCS - ORDS REST APISummary DBCS - ORDS REST APIContent Can we enable ORDS locally in SQL Developer (localhost) for a particular schema Can we use ORDS in Integration Cloud?
Getting ORA-29400: data cartridge error while accessing error logSummary Getting ORA-29400: data cartridge error while accessing error logContent I am trying to access the error log file on a shared Autonomous database infrastructure …
Error 503 while accessing APEX and SQL DeveloperSummary Error 503Content Hi all, I'm facing an issue while trying to access APEX and SQL Developer Web through the OCI interface (I'm on the Always Free Tier); Whenever …
Authenticate a web service using Single Sign On in a PL / SQL blockSummary Authenticate a web service using Single Sign On in a PL / SQL blockContent Hi everyone, I have created a PL / SQL block to manipulate fusion web services (UCM fo…
Unable to connect to Autonomous data warehouse database where I am able to connect to Autonomous traContent I think this is weird. I am trying to connect to Autonomous databases from java application and also using SQL developer. ATP database final static String DB_URL…
How to connect to Autonomous Database from Java Application?Content I have referred this article https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/paas/atp-cloud/atpug/connect-preparing.html#GUID-3667EC68-930E-4566-95B3-DFA24203A8FF. Referred Sam…
APEX in Bare Metal, VM, and ExadataSummary Need APEX Navigation in Bare Metal, VM, and ExadataContent Hi All, I am just trying to find APEX console in Bare Metal, VM, and Exadata Database. i am not able t…
SQL Developer Web Db UserSummary Who is the 'database user'?Content In order to use SQL Developer Web, the docs say 'Before signing in, enable the database user’s schema for SQL Developer Web'. …
SQL Developer Web - 404 errorSummary The request could not be mapped to any database. Check the request URL is correct, and that URL to database mappings have been correctly configuredContent Hello,…
SQL Developer Web Tool (not the client/desktop version)Summary SQL developer web tool not available in DB Cloud service in OCIContent Hello, I have a question on SQL Developer Web tool and nothing on the functionality of it.…
Migrating Oracle Database & Non Oracle Database to Oracle CloudSummary Database Cloud service MigrationContent You can directly move / migrate various source databases into different target cloud deployments running the Oracle Cloud…
SQL Dev Web internal server errorSummary How do I recover from a SQL Dev Web 500 internal server errorContent I was running a query in SQL Dev Web. I got a message saying the request was cancelled and t…
Cancel query in SQL Dev WebSummary How do I cancel a query in SQL Dev Web?Content In the SQL Developer client I can cancel a query I've executed by clicking the red circle with an x. How do I do t…
SQL Dev Web run timeSummary Where can I find SQL query times in SQL Dev WebContent In the SQL Developer PC client, the amount of time a SQL query took to run is displayed when the query fin…
Import data by oracle sql develperSummary Error importing 1.000.000 of rows (csv type)Content I am currently testing Oracle exadata express and i am currently working with Oracle sql developer app. After…