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Order by array variableSummary Order by array variableContent Hello, We have a webservice that returns an array for us with two dimensions “Name and Sequence”. I need to sort this array by the…
OIC - Technical Design DocumentSummary OIC - Technical Design DocumentContent Hi Everyone, I'm looking for Technical design document to capture the OIC integration details. In apps, we have md070. Do …Karthick Rajarathinam 497 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Karthick Rajarathinam Integration
OAUTH_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS not supported with Agent GroupContent Hi experts, I tried to configure a connection to access an on-premises service secured with OAuth Client Credentials.but when tried to configure the connection t…
404 Error while creating new instance in CX under application integration services in OCISummary I need to provision Oracle Content and Experience in the Frankfurt region and This is not possible due to a 404 error.Content I need to provision Oracle Content …
Remove trailing zerosSummary Remove trailing zeros of numberContent Hi, I have my input text as 0000001780936400. I should remove leading and trailing zeros in the number and the result shou…
Multiple line within a single mapping elementContent I have used the below wsdl to generate scheduled report from fusion; WSDL: http://:/xmlpserver/services/v2/ScheduleService?wsdl The request mapper for the above …
SCM - WorkOrder APIContent Hi, I have tried to test the SCM - Workorder creation API in Postman as per the Oracle document…
iCal Expression QuaterlySummary Creating a iCal Expression in OIC which occur once in a quarterContent Hi, I have the following scheduling requirement Q1 enddate = 29- Mar Q2 enddate = 28-Jun Q…
How to schedule Start and Stop of OIC Instance.Content Hi Experts, We have three OIC instance which we don't use all the time. Do we have any API or mechanism to schedule restart or shutdown of the environment? Any r…
HCM Absence creation using REST api from OIC integraionContent Hi, I am trying to call HCM REST API absence creation in OIC integration(REST adapter) with below payload also tested in soap UI and working fine. While testing …senthilkumar ramasamy-175413 54 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by senthilkumar ramasamy-175413 Integration
XSD to process data lines aloneSummary Processing file without header or footerContent Hi Team, Got a requirement to convert a tab separated file(tsv) with header and footer to csv without header and …
ERP Cloud Adapter - fscmRest API capability of using nested response linksSummary ERP Cloud Adapter capability to fetch attributes from nested links coming in REST represented business objects.Content Using the Oracle Integration Cloud I have …
How to load overtime information into Oracle HCM?Summary How to load overtime information into Oracle HCM?Content Hi Everyone, I have a requirement to load overtime information of an employee from a 3rd party system to…
Is Integration able to invoke REST API to manipulate VBCS tables?Content Hi Experts, We have a requirement to store a bit of data in VBCS table, then operate the table from integration, at certain steps we will need to update the data…
How to enable SOA Suite Adapter in OICSummary How to enable SOA Suite Adapter in OICContent Hi all As per below blogs,SOA Suite adapter is available in OIC.…
How to run a integration by clicking a single url/linkContent Requirement: I want to send the url of integration in a mail notification. On click of that url, the integration should be triggered in OIC. I initially used the…
Oracle Integration:Error ESS-09406 while Validating iCal ExpressionSummary Unable to use BYMONTH AND BYDAY in the same iCalContent Hi I have the Scheduling requirement in OIC which is as follows; Integration Schedule – If 1st falls on a…
REST service is failing with 401 Unauthorized errorContent Hi Experts, Exposed a sample REST API in OIC some time back and it was working fine with Basic Authentication. But this service stopped working and throwing 401 …
TimeEvents Rest API service is not accessibleSummary TimeEvents Rest API service is not accessible in efix-dev3Content We are trying to call the rest service '…
OIC - How to convert Base64 result into XML resultSummary OIC - How to convert Base64 result into XML resultContent Hi All, I have built a custom BIP report in Oracle Sales Cloud and that report converted into a soap WS…shiva kumar-156719 285 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Veerakumar Subramani-91179 Integration
Error Creating Connection for Oracle DBCSContent Hi All, Can you please guide me how to create a connection for Oracle Database Connection with DBCS. PFA Screenshot of the details entered while creating connect…
Filtering Integration with "created by"Summary Is it possible to Filter Integration with the user who has created those IntegrationsContent Hi Experts, Just wondering is there any way to filter Integrations/C…
Array variable OIC (ICS)Summary Array variable OIC (ICS)Content Hello, We have a "foreach integration" and I would like to create an array variable with the result of that integration. After th…
Not able to upload file into ERP cloud via OICContent Hi Team, I'm working on the Integration where I'm reading the source file from FTP, converting into FBDI, generating the properties file and calling the Bulk Dat…
response status of 302 Found when integration calling integrationSummary response status of 302 Found when integration calling integrationContent Hi experts, I have oic.ics.console.integration.invoke.local.integration flag enabled in …
error while invoking ftp connectionSummary timeout error in ftp connectionContent i am getting following error while a scheduled integration connecting to an ftp connection doing List Files operation ... …
How "timeWindow" query parameter in OIC REST APIs works ?Summary How "timeWindow" query parameter in OIC REST APIs works ?Content Hello All I am using REST APIs to monitor the OIC Instances and Erros. I am following below Orac…
Accessing Integration User Name in OrchestartionSummary Logged in user infromationContent Hi, Use Case: In ad-hoc run of scheduled integration I am populating a Database table and I also want to populate the username …Digvijay Chauhan-163068 33 views 9 comments 1 point Most recent by Digvijay Chauhan-163068 Integration
Atom feed response not getting refreshedSummary Response of atom feed is retained until it is replaced by new dataContent Hi, My scheduled OIC integration has HCM adapter which is enabled for 'Subscribe to Ato…