Discussion List
Service Throttling in OICContent Curious to know if there are service throttling options available in OIC. We have built our Order Creation Web Service and ASN Outbound Service today in OSB. We …
When i am update Endpoint adapter it showing Error "A connection to the server has failed. (Status 5Summary I m Using App Driven Orchestration, When i am trying to update the Endpoint adapter its taking time and showing status as 504Content I m Using App Driven Orchest…
OIC Timeout connecting to Database on CloudSummary OIC Timeout connecting to Database on CloudContent Hi All, I have heard new DB adapter is being rolled out that won't need an agent to be installed on Cloud DB, …Digvijay Chauhan-163068 21 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Digvijay Chauhan-163068 Integration
OIC mapping only one element of a repeated elementSummary OIC mapping only one element of a repeated elementContent I'm trying to map one element of a repeated element, this repetead element is receiving the value of 3 …
Download and Decrypt Object Storage Classic Container Object using OICSummary Download and Decrypt Object Storage Classic Container Object using OICContent Hi Gurus, I have the below requirement in OIC. Any pointers please. 1. Source syste…
OIC - Cant map to list of items inside foreachSummary In a integration orchestration, list of items becames one element list after for-eachContent Hi, How can I map the current element of a Foreach to each item of a…
Fusion FBDI OrchestrationSummary Design patterns to implement complex orchestrationContent Dear Experts, We need your inputs on an implementation of the following design What we've built :- 1) A…
OIC Integrations - Migration from Test to ProductionSummary OIC Integrations - Migration from Test to ProductionContent Hi Team, We want to migratee Integrations from Test Environment to Production environments by using E…
IMPORT_FAIL_IAR_TAMPERSummary Unable to import tampered IARContent If you are seeing the above error then you have tampered the IAR. In this post, let us know why you have modified the IAR by…
Error trying to create a SOA Cloud Service instance using QuickStar optionSummary When trying to create an instance of SOA Cloud Service using the QuickStar option, it displays the following error: PSM-STACK-00241 No sites available for tenant…
OIC - Migration between environments and Best practicesSummary Hello Everyone, Can you please shed some light on Best practices to migrate between environments ( Dev to UAT to PROD)Content Hello, We have 3 OIC environments. …
Integration Errors Lost When Deactivating an Integration InstanceContent Hi All, I have observed that when an integration is deactivated the error instances (Monitoring > Errors) of the integration seems to be disappearing. Could you …Nagesh Manda-143792 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
Not able to invoke Esswebservice from OICSummary Not able to invoke Esswebservice from OICContent I am trying to invoke Esswebservice from OIC to submit ESS job. i created connection(invoke and Trigger) using f…
Merging data from invokes nested in a for-each loopSummary Merging data from invokes nested in a for-each loopContent Product: Oracle Integration Cloud Version: 18.1 (Latest) Hi, I have a for each loop in my orchestratio…
Mapping Output of an Operation in For Each Loop to ResponseSummary Output of Find Operation in For Each Loop needs to be mapped to Response as repeating ElementContent I have a for Each Loop in my ICS orchestration, in which I h…
OIC - Activity Stream payloads are not populatingSummary OIC - Activity Stream payloads are not populatingContent Hi Team, For one of the integration Activity Stream payloads or Audit trail messages are not populating.…
OIC: Scope ActivitySummary Skip the scope on some parametersContent Hi All, Could anybody provide any information if it is possible to skip the scope activity based on a business parameter…
Unable to import the IAR: IMPORT_FAIL_IAR_TAMPERSummary Getting this error when trying to importContent I have manually edited the IAR and trying to import into OIC but it is not allowing to import and says it has tam…
Read a file from UCMSummary Reading a file from UCM not downloadingContent Dear Gurus, I know I can use the generic SOAP API /idcws/GenericSoapPort?wsdl to download and upload the files int…
Issue with OIC REST AdapterContent Found a bug in OIC (version: with REST Adapter. While we configure the REST adapter in Integration whether Inbound and Outbound and choose "Accept att…
Documentation and white papers on OICSummary Best place to start reading about Oracle Integration cloudContent Is there a specific course/subscription at for oracle integration cloud. Also …Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro 226 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Mohana Gopal S-Oracle Integration
Can we have custom repeating element in for loop?Summary In ICS for loop, I want to customise the repeating elementContent Context: A sales order can have multiple items, instead of looping through all the items in the…Sumanth Kunimakki-21932 30 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
how to measure the messages of an OIC integrationContent How are the messages of an OIC integration measured?
Problem configuring REST endpoint using Cisco xsdSummary Get error when trying to use a Cisco xsd when configuring the Response section of the wizardContent Please see uploaded Word document that describes the issue.
Integration-AICContent By listing from FTP adapter, I got several filenames. I want to read any one file.
Read in segments issueSummary Read In SegmentsContent Below is the scenario. 1. getting the input xml file 2. performing read in Segments. 3. within read in segments, i am converting the xml …
How to catch the error message in response of Fault DetailsSummary How to catch the error message in response of Fault DetailsContent Hi All, I had an unhandled error in one of my integration. Please see the highlighted in my at…
XPath Date and Time Functions/Operators in OAICSSummary How to add hours or minutes to the current time?Content Hi Experts I'm hoping some of you can help me with Xpath Date and Time functions? I have a requirement to…
Business Events Filter ConditionContent Hi All, I am unable to add the below filter condition for the business events received from ERP Cloud. Could you let me know if it is possible to add multiple co…
Connect to JMS queues without connectivity agent?Summary can OIC connect to JMS without connectivity agent?Content I have a requirement to connect to some on-premise JMS queues from OIC. The client is not using the con…