Oracle Data Integrator
Discussion List
Oracle data Integrator RoadmapSummary: Hi Team, Do we have a roadmap for Oracle Data Integrator market place?
Migrate ODI from one OCI tenancy to another OCI tenancy?Summary: We are planning to migrate the existing ODI services from one OCI tenancy to another ODI tenancy. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…Piyush Prakash 11 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Charan sathyanarayana-Oracle Data Integration
Classic ODI in Marketplace, missing LKM BICC to ADW External TableSummary: We are tying to use the BICC to ADW External Table LKM but it is not available in our marketplace ODI image. How can we enable/import it? Content (please ensure…
SecureLink quick Connect for ODI Classic MarketplaceSummary: The preferred tool for connecting to the ODI Marketplace VM is VNC Viewer; However we need to look for alternatives. Is SecureLink QuickConnect supported? Conte…
Connecting On Premise ODI to Oracle BI Cloud ConnectorSummary: Hi Team, We are looking to create the connection with BICC(Business Intelligence Cloud Connector) through ODI- On Premises (ODI or version). a…
Questions on ADFDI MSISummary: We are trying to get the ADFDI MSI Add-in installed across the firm for our ongoing Oracle implementation and the technology team have specific questions on the…
How to import employees answers to a checklistSummary: Questionnaire.dat allow to import questionnaires, questions and answers to a checklist but what about answers attachment to employees ? Does an HDL Business Obj…
Why delete UE was not able to capture records that have been deleted via HDL?Summary: I have deleted supervisor records via HDL but the HCM extract that uses delete UE is not able capture the deleted records.
Oracle Data Transforms: Load Data from object storage to Autonomous DBSummary: Hi All, I have CSV file stored into object storage and my requirement is to load csv file content into table in autonomous database using Oracle Data Transforms…
ODI Market Place accessIs there any way to access ODI-MP apart from VNC viewer/ Tiger VNC & Mobaxterm Due to customer security policies the above three applications are not accepting is there …
ODI Load Plan as REST API ServiceSummary: We have requirement for calling ODI load plan in VBCS UI so as to refresh data or run the data load. Currently we are using ODIInvoke webservice which is config…
EPM Pipeline job sequence executing before prior job completesSummary We are seeing in some instances that the within a Pipeline "integration" that jobs which run long will have the next job in the stage execute (and parallel is no…
In ODI, How to use same mappings if source technology is changed from MS SQL Server to OracleSummary: Hi Team, We are having one situations where MS SQL Server database objects are replicated to Oracle database for one Schema and we are having mappings which are…Dhiren Gangani-Oracle 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Dhiren Gangani-Oracle Data Integration
ODI Marketplace - External AuthenticationSummary: Does ODI Marketplace support for External Authentication with Azure AD / IDCS / OAuth Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (in…
Is ODI12c On-premise supported with Oracle DB 23 or Oracle DB23aiSummary: Is ODI12c On-premise supported with Oracle DB 23 or Oracle DB23ai Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version yo…
Positioning Data Integration Tool - ODI on MP vs OCI - DISummary: Which data integration tool to propose for ETL/ELT use case to load data from Fusion and other data sources to ADW - ODI on MP or OCI - DI Content (required): L…
What SNP table contains the columns indicating whether a mapping attribute is set to update?Good morning everyone, Am developing a script that queries the SNP tables to find all columns that shouldn't update but do. I managed to work my may down from snp_folder…
Getting Error while connecting to PostgreSQL from ODISummary: Error while connecting to PostgreSQL from ODI12c. Error Message :oracle.odi.runtime.agent.invocation.InvocationException: oracle.odi.core.exception.OdiRuntimeEx…
Get Patches for ODI Marketplace world, I've Just deployed ODI classic on Marketplace. However, I'm not able to access to Fusion Middleware EM: I got the following error blank page: Then, I remind…
Pass Url-encoded parameters when creating OIC REST ConnectionContent Hello, I am trying to access my client environment from OIC which requires an access token first. I am able to retrieve the access token from Postman successfull…
FDMEE v - Unable to invoke ODI process errorSummary: Files started loading on 7/29/23. First few files loaded. Then, received error 'EPMFDM-140160:Unable to Invoke ODI process.' Files haven't loaded since. Not sur…
How to load the .dmp file into Oracle DatabaseSummary: I have files sftp'd to the ODI Server. Ask is to load the data of the .dmp file into Oracle Database Table via ODI. Can anyone help here how to achieve this. Co…Ritesh Kashyap-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ritesh Kashyap-Oracle Data Integration
Could we provision ODI console in marketplace with MySQL repo?Hello All, We have ODI Marketplace instance on OCI Compute The Repository is in underlying MySQL Database Questions - Is it possible to configure and provision ODI Conso…
ODI Invoke RESTful service hangs when loading large (2GB) fileSummary: Trying to load a 2GB file generated by ODI to EPM using REST API. The REST API call step shows running for more than two hours with no error and the file is not…
Is there a historical PVO that pulls Person Details?Summary: No available historical PVO that pulls all person details. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I'm trying to find a data store/PVO th…
How to SFTP file load to UCM content server via ODISummary: Hi Team, Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to FTP file load to UCM content server (SOAP service) via ODI Version (include the v…
How to convert zip file to base64 in Oracle Data Integrator toolHi Team, I tried to convert the file to base64 data in the ODI tool. Can anyone help with this concept? Thanks Prakash Jayavel
RCU creation in ODI-MPWe are getting below error while trying to create RCU in ODI-MP. Both Ingress and Egress rules were set between ODI-MP and ADW and vice versa. Please suggest if any one …Bapiraju Swamy Vuda-Oracle 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Debadrita Ghosh-Oracle Data Integration
Is there a PVO that pulls Pay Calendar information?Summary: No available historical PVO that pulls pay calendar information. Content (required): I'm trying to find a data store/PVO that pulls pay calendar information but…
Is there a historical PVO that pulls the Asssignment EIT?Summary: Historical PVO for Assignment EIT doesn't exist. Content (required): I am not able to find a historical PVO for Assignment EIT. Available PVO is filtered using …