Oracle Data Integrator
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DIPC Remote Agent RegistrationSummary Problem with RegistrationContent Hi, I am trying to setup Data integration Platform Cloud. I am following the guide which instructs me to download the agent pack…
Error while trying to create a connection to an oracle data integrator cloud service agentSummary When trying to save a database connection associated with a data preparation agent, the following error occurs: Unable to update Oracle DB Client in GG instance …
DIPC Starting Agent - Trust Store Password IssueSummary Error about Trust Store Password MissingContent Hi When i run the start agent file command in Linux I am getting this message: GGCC-20046: Trust store password d…
ODICS Linux Cloud Compute Disk Image - ADW/ATP Dataserver SetupSummary No Instance ListContent Hi, I am provisioning a ODICS instance from the Cloud Market Place. I have created the compute instance disk image with ODI installed on …
DIPC vs ODIcsSummary Difference between DIPC and OCIcsContent Hello Folks, Is DIPC a new way of having ODI in cloud? IS ODIcs still available to be installed in PaaS provisioned JCS?…
question on ODI from marketplaceSummary multiple agents possible ?Content as I understand ODI from marketplace comes with its own embedded repository (which is not Oracle database, but mysql). in such …
Load into Fusion applicationsSummary Using ODI to load data in FusionContent With reference to a previous post - would like to clarify if ODI / DIPC can be used to create files in FBDI / HDL etc...c…Raghavendra Manchigiah-109808 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julien Testut-Oracle Data Integration
DIPC Connection to remote informixSummary In the oracle open world presentation, oracle states that DIPC can connect to Informix. But as per the documentations, informix is not yet supported. Is there an…
Can ODICS Connect to Fusion CloudSummary Connecting ODICS to Fusion CloudContent Hello Experts!! I am trying to move data from fusion cloud to PaaS DBCS. We are currently using BICC and Datasync. Can OD…
When ODICS certification will be released?Summary When ODICS certification will be released?Content Hi, Could you please let me know the date of ODICS certification available date?
Redshift Data server connectivity issue with standalone agent in ODI 12.2.1 on windows serverSummary Redshift Data server connectivity issue with standalone agent in ODI 12.2.1 on windows serverContent I have configured Redshift Data server in ODI for this i hav…Nagesh Nadimatla Ext 29 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by Jerome Francoisse-Oracle Data Integration
Audit LogsSummary Audit LogsContent Hi All, I want retrieve ODI session/ Audit logs , is there any automation from ODI studio(ODI 11g) to generate logs Please help me to find outRamprasad Nomula 46 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Jerome Francoisse-Oracle Data Integration