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Automate build Job creation in DevCSContent Hi All , I have around 100 build jobs and I am looking for an approach to create this build jobs automatically or in bulk . Is there any functionality available …
How to deploy SOA-MDS artifacts from Developer Cloud ?Summary Deploying SOA MDS from Developer Cloud serviceContent Hi All , Can you please help with some documents or configurations to be done in Oracle developer cloud in …
Integration Cloud (VBCS, PCS, ICS), DBaaS, APEXSummary Tying together devops using devcsContent So we onboarded Oracle Integration Cloud about 8 months ago for a pilot app. We since built a myriad of applications (3 …User_2025-01-31-15-40-56-878 145 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
Build Job Import Export on DEVcsSummary Build Job Import Export on DEVcsContent Hi All, We have created build jobs in developer cloud service classic version.We want to migrate same build jobs to anoth…
DevCS Integration with ALMSummary DevCS Integration with ALMContent Hi All, I am looking for integrating DevCS with ALM. We were able automate the code deployment however after code gets deployed…
Please take our Dev CS Survey!Summary survey of dev tool usageContent Dev CS has a new product manager (Murtaza Amiji) and he wants to learn more about how you use Dev CS. This is your BIG CHANCE to …Mary Beth Raven-Oracle 21 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Mary Beth Raven-Oracle Visual Builder Studio