Merge Request
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VBS Error: "Matching visual extension already exists"Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, I am running into an issue where I am linking a build to a merge request and while runnin…
How to set up Vacation rule for Merge request Reviewer in Visual Builder StudioHi, We have set a Glob pattern rule for main branch and added a default reviewer, so whenever any new merge request created it required approval of reviewer. What happen…Ashish.Chinchulkar.BNYMellon 3 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Ashish.Chinchulkar.BNYMellon Visual Builder Studio
Make Summary and Description mandatory during Merge RequestSummary: While creating a Merge Request, is there a config which can force users to enter Summary and Description. If not i guess it would be good idea for an enhancemen…
Visual builder studio notification not received for eventsSummary: Hi All, Not getting notification for all the events e.g. Merge Request. Reviewers are not getting notification for Merge request but reviewers can see the merge…
Reviewer Not receiving email for new commits, comments made on rejected Merge requestSummary: Reviewer Not receiving email for new commits, comments made on rejected Merge request Content (required): I am the reviewer for the merge request and I rejected…MadhuMullangi 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
For Merge Request send email notification to ReviewerSummary: For Merge Request send email notification to Reviewer Content (required): We would like to send email notification to the reviewer whenever the Merge request is…MadhuMullangi 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
No email from merge requestSummary: No merge request email s Content (required): When we create a merge request in VBS we do not get any email. Is there any special configuration required for emai…
post-merge hook sampleSummary: The IDCS instance value gets overwritten with merge. Content (required): We have dev1, test, prod environments with separate vbcs, idcs and fusion instances per…
Please take our Dev CS Survey!Summary survey of dev tool usageContent Dev CS has a new product manager (Murtaza Amiji) and he wants to learn more about how you use Dev CS. This is your BIG CHANCE to …Mary Beth Raven-Oracle 21 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Mary Beth Raven-Oracle Visual Builder Studio