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how to embed the html page in Oracle digital assistant without using web viewSummary how to embed the html page in Oracle digital assistant without using web viewContent Hi Team, Could you please anyone helps me to embed the HTML page inside chat…
Oracle Mobile Hub Database versionSummary What DB version use OMHContent Hi all,I will create a MBaaS and i like know what version of DB is provisioned in OMH?Thanks in advance!Matias Buonavolonta 5 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Matias Buonavolonta Digital Assistant & Mobile
How to integrate voice recognize in our oracle bot.Summary How to interact with bot through auditory commandContent Hi, we have to integrate voice recognization for the bajaj electricals (paddy) bot, how will be interact…User_2025-02-05-02-07-23-630 14 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-02-07-23-630 Digital Assistant & Mobile
Call a custom component asynchronously from oBotML to prevent time-outSummary Call a custom component asynchronously from oBotML to prevent time-outContent Hello Gurus,I am currently working with Oracle MCE Bot service where I am calling a…Don Martin Querrer 22 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Don Martin Querrer Digital Assistant & Mobile