Discussion List
How to combine EPM tenancy into an existing fusion ERP tenancy?Summary: I am looking for direction on how to combine EPM tenancy with numerous EPM PODs into a existing Fusion ERP tenancy. The reasoning behind this is 1- Everything i…
Not able to login to my free tier account.Summary: I am trying to login to my free tier account. I am not receiving the password reset mail, please review if my mail ID ( ) is blocked. Content…
Combine HCM/ERP/SCM tenancy with EPM?Summary: Can we combine a HCM/ERP/SCM tenancy with EPM? Content (required): We have two tenancies for our Fusion implementation: • one for HCM, ERP, and SCM • a second f…
How can we get Oracle Cloud platform for practicing on EPBCS, FCCS and TRCS?Summary: I am looking for EPBCS, FCCS and TRCS practice platforms, could someone please advise me on this? Content (required):EPBCS, FCCS and TRCS practice platforms
sizing MS SQL to OracleSummary: hi team for Sizing from MS-SQL to Oracle DB Content (required): i want to migrate Microsoft SQL VM with 16 vcpu , 128GB Memory to cloud as oracle database ( is …
How to create user with Service Integration Account with No Password ExpirationSummary: Hi I need to create a service user with no password expiration we have to set up a connectivity agent in OIC using that common user how can we achieve the same …
How to Delete a free-always account/tenant?Summary: My customer want to delete a free-always account/tenant Content (required): My customer does not need the free-always account. How to Delete a free-always accou…
Limits, Quotas and Usage page is not displaying capacity for our tenancySummary Limits, Quotas and Usage page is emptyContent Limits, Quotas and Usage page is not displaying capacity for the tenancy ofscpreprod but it works for prod What the…
Two instances - Master data and Transactional dataSummary Two instances - Master data and Transactional dataContent We have a client who wants to centralise the ERP cloud master data (suppliers, customers, products,etc)…
Help required on Understanding Messages consumption and Universal CreditsContent Hi Team, I am very new to OCI. Can someone please help me in understand the licensing and messages consumption? Thanks.
OCI – Data Evolution QuickStart, 16 March 2021, 10 a.m. PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the OCI – Data Evolution QuickStart session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a new comment t…
OCI – Flexible Oracle Cloud Load Balancers Ensure Performance While Helping Control Costs, 28 JanuarContent Submit your questions for the OCI – Flexible Oracle Cloud Load Balancers Ensure Performance While Helping Control Costs session to have them answered during the …
GEN 2 Migration - OCI Classic to OCI Cloud Gen2Content We are planning on our Oracle PAAS Infra migration from OCI-Classic to OCI Gen 2 platform. Thereby we are keen to understand any key considerations, lessons lear…
OCI – Terraforming the Cloud with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Resource Manager, 16 December 2020, 8Content Submit your questions for the OCI – Terraforming the Cloud with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Resource Manager session to have them answered during the live event.…
How to synchronize users between federationsContent Hi experts, I have two federations as can be seen in the attached picture. OracleIdentityCloudService was created automatically. Federacao-IDCS-LAD I created aft…
Me ayudan a configurar un MV totalmente GratuitaSummary Quiero configuirar una maquina virtual totalmente gratis, que no me cobre nada despues de la pruebaContent Hola, mi nombre Edison Diaz Primero solamente se habla…User_2025-02-07-18-21-46-765 8 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Richard Jacobs OCI - General
ODI deployment from MarkeplaceSummary Cannot connect to repositoryContent Dears, Has anyone installed ODI from OCI Marketplace? I deployed succesfully ODI on OCI VM and launched ODI Studio 12C. So fa…
How to get all the availability domains?Content I need to get all the mount targets in the tenancy. There will be 2 mount targets per availability domain. Do querying with each region & root compartment is the…
IaaS – Bring you own workloads to OCI, 15 August 2019, 9 a.m. PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the IaaS – Bring you own workloads to OCI session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a new com…
What is the practical use of Compartments in OCISummary Wanted to understand what is the practical use of compartments in OCIContent Going through OCI lessons I understood that compartments in OCI are a way to logical…
Looking for a basic breakdown of IaaSSummary Please help provide just a basic breakdown of IaaSContent Linking documentation will be helpful as well. I would like a open platform for just the basics of IaaS…