Browser UI
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Intelligent Advisor Workspace Control with SAML SSO X-Frame-Options DENYSummary: By default our IDP (ADFS) is blocking the use of the Intelligent Advisor control on our workspaces in production. This is because X-Frame-Options: DENY is in pl…CGS DBA 44 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Davin Fifield-Oracle Intelligent Advisor for B2C Service
While updating a custom menu field in cutom object, menu field is not updatingI have used this script in my BUI while saving the record, but the menu field is not updating, for normal text fields i am able to update the data,can anyone please help…Haribabu Arigela 52 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Nika Gerson Lohman Intelligent Advisor for B2C Service