Inquiry & Reporting
Discussion List
Fixed Assets - Report to Find if Assets have "Amortize Adjustment" flag checkedWe are creating a +$0.01 adjustment followed by a -$0.01 adjustment in the fixed assets module for every asset in order to have the “amortize adjustment” flag checked wi…
Depreciate asset 80% of asset cost in 1st month of DPIS and remaining value of asset on STL basisSummary: Depreciate asset 80% of asset cost in 1st month of DPIS and remaining value of asset on STL basis. Example- Asset cost- 8000 Useful Life- 4 years STL- 4 years D…
Which table replaced FA_BALANCES_REP_ITF from EBS to CloudSummary: We are moving out from EBS to Oracle Cloud and would like to know which table replaced FA_BALANCES_REP_ITF table from EBS in Cloud? In ebs it contains all balan…
How to show asset which has been suspended/resumed depreciation in OTBI report?Hi, I am trying to create new OTBI report to show the assets which they have been suspended/resumed depreciation. But I am not sure that which filed and areas should I s…
Can we check and Change Descriptive Details for this Asset by updating asset numberUser did Manual Addition and by mistake Asset Number was created with Asset Description. Now we want to update the asset number to actual next Asset Number Sequence whic…
Mass Unplanned DepreciationSummary Mass Unplanned DepreciationContent Hi All, I have a bunch of assets on the secondary books that need depreciation adjusted by a few pennies in order to align to …
Need to upload the FAR balances to the fixed asset module for implementation.Summary: Need to upload the FAR balances to the fixed asset module for implementation. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): What is the best pr…
I need a query to get the YTD depreciation for a register which includes assets fully depreciated inSummary: I'm getting all the assets which depreciated in the period selected, but if an asset if fully reserved in a prior period of the same fiscal year, it gives a ytd…
Remove Transaction Inquiry ,Recent addition and Recent retirementSummary: is there an way to remove Transaction Inquiry ,Recent addition and Recent retirement from asset inquiry page I have tried remove role of ORA_FA_FIXED_ASSET_INQU…
Asset Category which are assigned to Asset books SQL Query requiredSummary: Asset Category which are assigned to Asset books SQL Query required Content (required): I need Asset Category which are assigned to Asset books SQL Query along …
Oracle EBS physical inventorySummary: How does one rectify the difference in the Oracle EBS physical inventory process? With ratification, I mean confirming (often mass) changes that were proposed b…
Depreciation projection for 2 million assets in Oracle cloud Fixed Assets?Summary: Is it possible to run depreciation projection report for 2 million assets without any performance issue like long delay in generating report output in Cloud Fix…
Can huge volume of data of fixed assets be supported by one corporate book in Oracle cloud..?Summary: What performance issue can arise if we configure one corporate book in Oracle cloud in case of huge volume of data in fixed assets..? Content (please ensure you…
Entity specific reports for 2 entities in One corporate BookHi All, We have the below requirement from our client for Oracle cloud fixed assets module Primary :Ledger A: Entities X and Y Corporate book to primary ledger A: A Both…
CIP Asset does not display zero depreciation each monthSummary: Upon running depreciation for Asset Type "CIP", it has been noted that the Depreciation Period of some months are missing on the Asset. Content (please ensure y…
SQL query to get remaining life, depreciation for the month, depreciation expense account in FusionSummary: SQL query to get remaining life, depreciation for the month, depreciation expense account in Oracle Fusion for Assets Content (required): Version (include the v…
Is it possible to add DFF field on Manage Physical Inventory Template?Summary: Is it possible to add DFF field on Manage Physical Inventory Template? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the versi…
Is it possible to increase char limit for Tag number field on Manage Physical Inventory Template?Summary: The max limit for Tag number field is 15 char on Manage Physical Inventory Template. Is it possible to increase this char limit? Content (please ensure you mask…
Calculating NBV for partially retired AssetSummary: Calculating NBV for partially retired Asset Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to consult the current Net Book Value in the asse…
How do you correct wrongly posted Depreciation for a prior period in Oracle Assets?Hi, How do you correct wrongly posted Depreciation for a prior period in Oracle Assets?
Create Accounting Execution Report does not created when I run 'Create Accounting for Assets'Summary: Expected bahavihor is that when i run 'Create Accounting for Assets' and choose *Report Style parameter as either summury or details, Create Accounting Executio…
No Data Displayed in Reserve Summary Report Asset and Cost Summary ReportSummary: No data is displayed when we try to export the repots (Reserve Summary Report Asset and Cost Summary Report) to check the balance for closing the month end peri…
How to create Formula type Depreciation Method with different Depreciation Rates for different PerioSummary How to create Formula type Depreciation Method with different Depreciation Rates for different Periods?Content Hi Experts, I have requirement to create the calcu…
FBDI load for mass asset addition will reject all the asset creation record, if there is any errorWhen loading the asset addition records using FBDI, if there is one incorrect record, all the remaining records are rejected by the interface. And logfile is only reflec…
What is Recoverable Cost in the asset inquiry window?Summary: Content (required): What is the Recoverable Cost in the asset inquiry window? Is it the same as current cost or is there any purpose or way the Recoverable Cost…
How to modify Asset Cost Summary ReportSummary: I created a copy of the DM (path = /shared/Custom/Financials/Fixed Assets/Asset Balances/Data Model/Cost Summary Data Model. If I save the sql (as-is, no modifi…
What is the maximum number of characters allowed in a DFF on AssetsSummary: What is the maximum number of characters allowed to be entered in a DFF on Assets Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (includ…
Unplanned Depreciation not showing up on Journal Entry Reserve Ledger reportSummary: I have successfully computed unplanned depreciation, but it does not show up on the Journal Entry Reserve Ledger report. Content (please ensure you mask any con…
Reserve Summary Report - Missing impairmentsSummary: Reserve Summary Report - Missing impairments. I'm looking for a similar report to Reserve Summary Report that has impairments. Is there anything standard? Conte…
Which report to use for the lease asset reconciliation?I have migrated a number of asset ending balance for July period, with the current open period is August. For asset leases, I have manually created in the current open p…