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Expenses - Expense Transactions Real Time "The specified criteria didn't result in any data.I am facing same issue not able pull expense details from Expenses - Expense Transactions Real Time " Subject area. Only details from Employee folder are populating. if …
Need an SQL to list out all the Corporate card Transactions with Respective MCC codeSummary: Need an SQL to list out all the corporate card Transactions with Respective MCC codes & Expense Types
query to get employees with missing bank accountswe want all new employees who didnt enter their bank account details
Expense report Output show words garbledSummary: Expense report Output show words Garbled, Unable to read by users Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Expense report Output show word…
DFF for Corporate Card Transaction onlySummary: DFF should be visible only for corporate card transaction. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi . We are defining DFF at expense le…Yashwanth Kumar Meesala-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Yashwanth Kumar Meesala-Oracle Expenses
sample query to check Invoice/Credit Memo has been posted to GLHi Team, Need sample sql to check Invoice/Credit Memo has been posted to GL or not
Project info for an expenseHello all, I've a requirement to pull the project details like expenditure organization, task number,project numer for an expense itemizations created for an expense lin…
When attempting to print expense report with pdf receipt, the page goes to error messageSummary: Certain users are unable to print their expense reports from expenses application because when they do, the page spins for a while trying to load and then goes …
Expense Report Approval flow BIP ReportSummary: Expense Report Approval flow BIP Report Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Need a query to get the approval flow for a expense repor…
sql query to get all the team members approved/rejected expenses reports data by passing manageridSummary: is there any sql query available for manager to get that will return all of his employees expense reports data Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
Standard report to see the default expense account of an employeeSummary: The client is looking for any standard reports to check the default expense account assigned to an employee Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…
In oracle fusion Expenses in which table we will get itemization dateEmployee expenses Itemization date in which table we will get .For itemization few expenses I am getting wrong date in EXM_EPENSES table START_DATE column I considered a…
Not able to add Concatenated Segments for the expenses inside the Expense Approval Report Template.Summary: We are trying to include concatenated segment string for each expense item. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We've a requireme…
Missing workflow detail in the WFTASK for a spend authorizationWe have developed a custom BIP report, and report fetch the workflow details for spend authorization for all workflow approval scenarios. Its observed, there are for few…
is there a way to send auto- generated email notifications to the users about unsubmitted claimsSummary: is there a way to send auto- generated email notifications to the users about unsubmitted claims within a specified timeframe like 3 days or 1 week..etc. Exampl…
Upload and Validate Corporate Card Transaction File what exactly doing this jobSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Requirement to show Project Number on Expense Report Workflow notificationSummary: Business requirement is to show the project number on the expense reports workflow notification Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I…
Report output to send in Team channelSummary: Do anyone know if a report output can be transmitted to a MS team channel? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the v…
How can we bring approver manager in the BIP reportSummary: Currently our approval process is if amount =
Variance in Expense Report Approvers when compared with workflow/BIP report vs front end UISummary: for and approved expense report the approvers which seen in front end UI are not matching with the approvers in the backend table. Content (please ensure you ma…
Read xml file from UCM using BIPESS job “Process Expense Reimbursements and Cash Advances” generates file in xml format. Client requirement is CSV format file. It is not possible to change the output t…
Expense Approval Tables to create custom BIP reportSummary: We need to build a custom BIP report that allows us to see the Approval Flow/Path ( Approval Hierarchy) for the Expense Report that has been Submitted or Expens…
Expenses Module: Specific tables and fields where the employee banking information is stored?Summary: I've been asked the following 2 questions by one of our internal auditors, specific to the Expenses Module: List the specific tables and fields where the employ…
Auditor is unable to view Preauthorized ExpenseSummary: We currently have two templates set up for expenses for our employees (1) PreApproval expense template — which a V.P. must approve; and (2) Actual Expense Reimb…
Justification fields when Receipt Missing is tickedI can't find these two fields in the Expenses tables. I tried the exm_expenses and exm_expense_reports. Can someone help me find the column names and the table name plea…
Need to get the assets separately as CIP and CapitalizedSummary: We are bringing the asset type with respect to Transaction Type Code. The issue here we are facing is 'RECLASSIFICATION' and 'UNIT ADJUSTMENT' which comes under…
How to get Itemized Expense DetailsSummary: How to get Itemized Expense Details Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, I have a report with expenses using tables like (EXM_EXPE…
Link in Oracle Expense Approval NotificationSo I want to customize the expense approval notification. My problem is that I want to add detail to the expense section of the output, but the expense section of the ou…
how to remove ESS Job "Create Uninvoiced Receipt Accruals" from user so that they cant runSummary: Business is not performing "Create Uninvoiced Receipt Accruals" So we want to remove this so that nobody will not run by mistake Content (please ensure you mask…