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How can we pull balances at parent level in a BI ReportContent How can we pull balances at parent level in a BI Report? And also there is a standard subject area General Ledger - Balances Real Time where balancing segments s…Wrishin Bhattacharya-140667 39 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Stacee Patterson General Ledger & Intercompany
Encumbrance accounting - Reserve for Encumbrance AccountSummary Encumbrance accounting - Reserve for Encumbrance AccountContent Hello all, We have defined a Ledger "CN_Ledger" and now we have only one legal entity "CN01" and …
Carry Forward Purchase Orders at Year End - can it be 'rolled back'?Summary Carry Forward Purchase Orders at Year End - can it be 'rolled back'?Content this is our first Year End, and wish to test the Carry Forward Purchase Orders Budget…
Cash Basis Accounting (Modified Accrual) SLA's - SetupSummary Needs to account all transactions using cash based accountingContent Hi I have a requirement to have cash-based accounting for all transactions so that financial…
Primary Ledger Status in ErrorSummary I created every prerequisite in order to activate the primary ledger yet its in error status.Content I created every prerequisite in order to activate the primar…Mohammad Alhindawi 252 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Linda Wong-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany