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How to control which users can delete AR transactions using function security.Summary: We have the need to enable the ‘allow transaction deletion’ in the Receivables System Options Once that was enabled, even the users who were assigned only an AR…
How To move the recevable DFF values to transaction header levelSummary:We have configured the credit reason and credit types as requested, however these required fields are populating in additional information tab not in the transac…Prashanth Tallapelli 4 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Prashanth Tallapelli Receivables & Collections
How to Restrict Dff Value Set Values Are Available to Select in LOV by User by BUSummary: Hi Team, We have created a Descriptive Flex field (DFF) in AR_CASH_RECEIPTS based on the client's requirements. On the receipt screen, users will select a DFF v…Manam Anil Kumar 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Akash Chaurasia Receivables & Collections
For Print Receivables Transactions-Email Delivery can we have email body length more than 4000 charCurrently we are trying to customize the email body using HTML code which will be deliveried to customer, But we encountered a issue that email body section length canno…
AR Import Exception error The accounting date {GL_DATE isn't in an open or future-enterable period.Summary: Getting AR DOO Invoice is getting import exception error for 2 ar transaction Error: The accounting date {GL_DATE isn't in an open or future-enterable period. G…
Accounting error You must review the error: Product Family should not be 999 for this account.Summary: Accounting error on secondary ledger for AR Credit memo transaction Error:You must review the error: Product Family should not be 999 for this account. No error…
Issue with Context Value Assignment in Invoice Transaction Flexfield via AutoInvoice FBDISummary: Issue with assigning the correct context value in the Invoice Transactions Flexfield when loading data through AutoInvoice FBDI. Content (please ensure you mask…
24D AR Transaction review and control approvalSummary: Hi, we are trying to setup rules for multiple (Hierarchy) approvals for AR Transaction (Manual Invoice and Credit Memo). Scenario: For Transactions with Amount0…
How to assign a default context value in AR when the user select the BU through a Sanbox ?SHow to assign a default context value in AR when the user select the BU through a Sanbox ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello We have …Gabriel Kinovisques 13 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gabriel Kinovisques Receivables & Collections
How to Create a manual Prepayment in Receivables ?Summary: How to Create a manual Prepayment in Receivables ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello As far as I know there is a new funciona…Gabriel Kinovisques 8 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Gabriel Kinovisques Receivables & Collections
Sequence Number for AR Direct Debit send/deposit to the bank via SFTPContent We personalized ElectronicBankRemittance.rtf template for Funds Capture Settlement Format. The bank specifications require a field called File creation No., whic…
Is Audit trail supporting tracking of AR Invoice adjustment & approval in Oracle Fusion?Summary: Hi Team, We are looking for audit history for AR Invoice adjustments in Oracle. Client is expecting audit report where they can see approval limits of adjustmen…
Is it possible to import invoice with multiple lines with revenue rules?Summary: Customer is unable to import invoice with multiple line for revenue rule (In Advance) AS per the note below they faced the error and were able to import success…
How to delete a credit memo posted and accountedHello, in the opening balance, we added the invoice transaction and then reversed it with a credit memo. Unfortunately, the Credit memo has a wrong date and therefore th…Victor Chrabieh 36 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Davidson Sales - Idealit Receivables & Collections
How to use Filter within date range in REST API - Receivables InvoicesSummary I executed REST API below. https:///fscmRestApi/resources/;AccountingDate>=2023-04-01&onlyData=true&q=Invoice…Takaomi_Kamakura-Oracle 13 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Takaomi_Kamakura-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Statement Report is not showing outstanding transactions with the same site nameSummary: We are generating statement of accounts for our customer last December period to determine their outstanding transactions. In the report, we have noticed that o…
Emailing Customer Annual Statement Including Closed InvoicesSummary: We have a request to send consolidated annual invoice statement to customers, tried below options —> "Create Customer Statements" will include only open invoice…
Is there a report or an option to get the highest open AR balance for a customer for a given time?Client is looking for a report or an option to get the highest open AR balance for a customer for a given time period?
Can we transfer DFF to AR in Supply Chain Financial Orchestration?Summary: I would like to set values in AR transaction DFF via Supply Chain Financial Orchestration. If we can set DFF via Supply Chain Financial Orchestration, could you…Takaomi_Kamakura-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mallik_D-Oracle Receivables & Collections
FDBI Template to upload Receivables Receipt ApplicationSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…MOHAMED PALLIPARAMBAN 39 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by MOHAMED PALLIPARAMBAN Receivables & Collections
AR unable to recognize revenue and thus import revenue lines not picking up anything .The COGS Recognition entry is not getting generated in cost accounting for sales order. AR invoice was final accounted and then we ran Import Revenue Lines and then Crea…
Indian Localisation Numbering based on Transaction Type in FusionFor Document Fiscal Classification we can select the appropriate document fiscal classification for Tax invoice numbering since there is no way to default the document n…
Apply cash receipts for invoices created in a different ledgerSummary: Our client has a business case where they apply cash receipts of invoices created in a transaction business unit that belongs to a different ledger. This is a f…
We need One User with 'Apply' and 'Unapply' functionality for AR Receipts.Summary: That user shouldn't be able to create receipts. Please suggest any best option to achieve this functionality. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
How do we confirm that the Invoice is emailed to customerSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…Treddy12 26 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
When does the Print flag gets updated on the invoice?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…Treddy12 23 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How to use 'Tax Invoice Printing Options' in receivables system option?Summary: Need to understand how to configure system to show tax in the invoice print Content (required): We can see that there is an option in receivables system options…
How to assign Receivable specialist to Cash Receipt via APIHi Team, We have a requirement where any unassigned Cash Receipts need to be randomly assigned to a Receivable Specialist via an API. Could you please provide the detail…
How to set up Receivable account with priority rule setSummary: I created Auto Accounting Rule and set the Account type Receivable following Customer Site Reference Account. However, for newly added customer, sometime I forg…
Enter a conversion rate for the customer profile. (AR-856815)Summary: When I enter an invoice in foreign currency I get the above error. Customer profile class (site level) for the customer is set in the late charges tab with the …