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Why i cannot make changes to revenue scheduling in AR invoice - before create accountingI have a business scenario - When i create an Invoice manual or Imported - why an AR accountant can modify the revenue scheduling rule but it impact does the overall beh…Swez 21 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by gabriel.g.popescu-Oracle Subledger Accounting & Accounting Hub
No LOV for Transaction Source in Autoinvoice lines after 25A upgradeSummary: I noticed that after 25A upgrade, Transaction Source in Autoinvoice lines now needs to be fetched from instance by double clicking on it. Earlier, it was LOV an…Deepak Singal 16 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
AR: SLA Customization to split the Revenue line to multiple based on percentageSummary: We have a specific requirement to split a revenue line into two separate revenue lines, with an 80/20 split, when the revenue is recognized over 3, 6, 9, or 12 …Saichand Reddy Danda 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by gabriel.g.popescu-Oracle Subledger Accounting & Accounting Hub
BSV Values assigned at Ledger level visible in Subledger ModulesSummary: BSV Values assigned at Ledger level visible in Subledger Modules Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have BSV values associated wi…Srikanthfin 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by gabriel.g.popescu-Oracle Subledger Accounting & Accounting Hub
for the reversal receipt journal entry transaction, no transactions availableSummary: HI For the reversal receipt journal entry transactions, when we are trying to click on the debit or credit amount to view the transaction details it's greyed ou…Rekhav 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by gabriel.g.popescu-Oracle Subledger Accounting & Accounting Hub
Receipt PrintingSummary Print AR receipt functionalityContent Hi, We are doing an implementation for Malaysia. There is a requirement of printing the AR receipt and provide to customers…Kallol Sinha 103 views 12 comments 3 points Most recent by Alon Hadar Tamir Receivables & Collections
How to update pk2_value in FND_Attached_Document for an receivables invoice attachmentThe seeded "Print Receivable Transactions" program is populating pk1_value, pk2_value, pk3_value, pk4_value, and pk5_value in Fnd_attached_documents when invoice print i…DocuAnir 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Customize "Delete" Button to be visible if the truncation source equal "Manual"Summary: Hi, using Page composer (sandbox), what's EL expression that should be written to restrict "Delete" Button visibility based on certain transaction source in AR?…
Prioritize ESS processSummary: In Fusion is there a way to prioritize ESS scheduled processes. Specifically it takes a long time to complete AR Invoices because this process is also processin…
what is the impact of open receivables flag not being enabledSummary: what is the impact of open receivables flag not being enabled. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you a…Yakub Sharif-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Yakub Sharif-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Revenue Contingency based on Sales Order Line FOBSummary: We have requirement to create revenue contingency based on FOB value on the Sales order line level. is there any way to achieve in Oracle Fusion Cloud Receivabl…Kapil Dev Mittal 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Set more than one intercompany balancing rules that receivables module will use to generate.For affiliates transactions entered directly in receivables module (not intercompany module), the intercompany balancing line overwrites the receivables account of the i…Butch Melvin 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Applying Bills Receivable across AR Invoices of Multiple BUsSummary: Hi, We are using 'Bills Receivable' functionality. We have a requirement to apply AR Invoices which belongs to multiple business units to the Bills receivable o…Vipusha Chandrakumaran 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Locking of tax invoice date and tax invoice numberLocking of tax invoice date and tax invoice number in transaction which means no one can edit this field once it is updated. please refer below screenshotGoutham S 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How to convert QR code string format into QR code PNG format for India E-invoicing for Oracle Cloud?We have a requirement to convert QR code (string format) into QR code (PNG image) for India E-invoicing as part of an OIC Integration. We are receiving QR code string fo…
Is there a feature to download the AR invoice PDFs in bulk?Summary: Is there a feature to download the AR invoice PDFs in bulk? Every month we are trying to download few hundred's of Invoices manually to send those to the custom…Sukesh Kyadarwar 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
SHIP and SOLD TO details not available in AR transactionAR transactions are loaded via FBDI , these transactions are populated with BILL , SHIP and SOLD TO account number details. In fusion UI , can see these are loaded corre…
Can we restrict application of AR credit memo of 1 customer to invoice/debitmemo of another CustomerSummary: Can we restrict application of AR credit memo of 1 customer to AR invoice/debit memo of another Customer AS of now system is allowing below: Created 1 credit me…
Privilege required to enable "Apply credit memo"I create a custom role for AR user, because I have some basic user, who they don't incomplete transactions because they don't have authorization. I added all privilege I…ACNROMA2023 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Issue with Searching Transactions by End-Dated Customer in AR ModuleIn the AR module, we encountered an issue regarding transactions associated with an end-dated customer: Scenario: We created a customer and associated a few transactions…Srikanth Dodla 14 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Gopal Reddy-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Can we trigger Trade Compliance check when user attempts to update an invoice in Fusion AR ?Business Requirement is to trigger Trade Compliance validation when a user attempts to update customer details on an invoice in Oracle Fusion Receivables.Shivani Aggarwal 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
HL7 flat file to create oracle fusion receivable transactionSummary: We are building integration from billing services to Oracle fusion receivables, want to know is there any seeded API,anyway to consume this flat file and create…Abhilash Reddy Sureddy 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How to copy AR invoice line DFFs, when duplicating itSummary: We have a usecase where there are descriptive flexfields on both header and lines of some AR invoices. The requirement is to duplicate the AR invoices utililzin…
Is it possible to rename the column "Attribute 10" to a custom name?Summary: In the Collection module, when selecting a specific customer to view their transactions, there is a column labeled "Attribute 10," which refers to the transacti…Joshika 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mallik Durgumpudi-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Expression for rule to disable button when Invoice status not "Complete"Summary: Want to disable a button in the manage transactions page based on roles, but only when the invoice is not in status "complete" Content (please ensure you mask a…pniemann99 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Restrict Adjustment Receivables ActivitiesOur client is asking to restrict the Receivables Activities that the Collectors can see when creating an adjustment in the Advanced Collections module. I want to make a …Guido_delaReta 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel S.-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Uploading Reveune scheduling rules in massHello i have to upload Revnue Rule for a client and he have around 1800 rule i there any way to upload them from an FBDI or any kind of sheet ? Regards Mickel RmeilyMickel.Rmeily 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Partial revenue reversal for AR Transaction when tax is inclusiveSummary: Hi Team, In our system, we use tax inclusive for all AR Transactions. So, the line amount entered is inclusive of taxes. We have a scenario where users would wa…Goutam5555 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Print Receivables Transactions - Split PaymentsSummary: Print multiple installments in a single AR Invoice (Split Payments) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement to prin…Raj Kumar Ranganathan-Oracle 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_VQM7O Receivables & Collections
remove access to review installmentSummary: Is there a privilege that gives access to Review Installment under Actions in Manage Transactions? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…roshni.01 2 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections