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Intercompany accounting from Receivables is going into 'Intracompany' account class.I have created an AR invoice where the Receivables and Revenue lines are balanced using 2 different legal entities. When the invoice is accounted, I see that 'Intracompa…
Is there any feature in AR where we can create DFF in Freight section of the transaction line?Summary: The ask is to have DFF attributes at the freight level of transaction line. We want to create a DFF at AR transaction freight (line level) level. The expectatio…Enrique Ap-Oracle 4 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Enrique Ap-Oracle Receivables & Collections
AR invoices transaction number is not incrementing/duplicatingSummary: When creating/loading invoice via excel template, system allows duplicate transaction number - does not create a unique/incrementing transaction number. This on… 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deepak Singal Receivables & Collections
The file was not downloaded or was not downloaded correctly error while downloading the PO PDFSummary: We have encountered the error while downloading the PO PDF :- The file was not downloaded or was not downloaded correctly. Please can you help here Content (ple…
How to import multiple context values (DFF) by using FBDI template in AR Transaction line levelSummary: We are trying to import AR Transaction by using FBDI template. We had created 2 context values (DFF) to populate additional information in AR Transaction line l…
Grouping of AR Transaction in fusionWe do have a grouping rule for AR Transaction, which groups transaction according to one of the DFF i.e. Shipment Number. if we have same shipment number for two line, i…Hemanth Buccapatnam Tirumala 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Florin Enache-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How can I add additional case types in the LOV in the collections module create case folderI am trying to add another case type to the LOV when creating a Collections Case folder. I have looked in every lookup and DFF configuration option I could find, and not…Nancy N Newman 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Florin Enache-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How to restrict the error files listed on the 'Processing Warnings and Errors' tab in the CM by BUSummary: How to restrict the error files listed on the 'Processing Warnings and Errors' tab in the Bank Statements and Reconciliation work area based on the business uni…Ranjith C 53 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Malleswara Rao Payables, Payments & Cash Management
The memo line can only be used for AR invoices under specific customers.Summary: We have some many different customer, but only one memo line can be used for AR invoices under one specific customers. We want to realize it. Content (please en…
Receipts created in spreadsheet are not getting applied to the AR invoices automaticallyI am trying to load receipts from the ADFDI "Create receipts in spreadsheet". I do pass the customer name, account number and reference as transaction number and transac…
How to delete customer site in accounts receivablesHow to delete a one time ship to customer site from accounts receivables. I am aware of the inactivation of sites but is there an option to purge/delete the customer sit…
AR Invoice Approval - User Based (Group Approval)Summary: Hello Team. We are exploring invoice/credit memo approval process, can we have list of approvers where anyone from the group can approve? or it has to be a spec…Shashi Pampati 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Raghuram Saradka-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Not able to update the code in Manage Bank Update Code for BrazilSummary: We are trying to add a Code in the setup 'Manage Bank Update Code for Brazil' but it is giving an error 'Attribute set with value 2 for Collection Document Upda…
Cancel or delete a debit memo and/or invoice that is in an "Incomplete" statusSummary: How can I cancel or delete a debit memo and/or invoice that is in an "Incomplete" status? If this is possible, what role responsibilities are needed? Content (p…Eoin Bryan 8 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by rohit.wadhawan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
(OM-AR) Can RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES DFFs be used as SLA sources?We use the standard OM-AR integration. AR invoices imported from OM have two flexfield contexts at line level: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES (mapped via Service Mapping) RA_INTE…ElenaP-Oracle 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How to stop Auto application of credit memo with Invoice when the invoice is paid by a receiptSummary: When a Return sales order is generated with reference to original sales order, credit memo of the RMA is getting applied with original invoices automatically as…
Do we have any REST/SOAP API to delete attachments from AR Invoice ?Summary: Do we have any REST/SOAP API to delete attachments from AR Invoice Content (required): We have a requirement to delete the attachment from AR invoice. Do we hav…
document sequence not appearing when creating a transactionDear ALL I have created a sequence for portugal entity and assigned my transaction types when i create a transaction using the same type error appear: A valid document s…Mickel.Rmeily 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How to use the Sales Order field on the transaction lines for manual invoices, with validationSummary: We manually enter transactions from a third party system. We would like to use the sales order field so that we can use it in an account rule. We currently CAN …KristenM 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by gabriel.g.popescu-Oracle Subledger Accounting & Accounting Hub
Gapless AR transaction numberingSummary: Gapless numbers for AR invoices - ORA_Supply Chain Financial Orchestration transaction source Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi,…
Is Audit trail supporting tracking of AR Invoice adjustment & approval in Oracle Fusion?Summary: Hi Team, We are looking for audit history for AR Invoice adjustments in Oracle. Client is expecting audit report where they can see approval limits of adjustmen…
How to View Related Transaction Number field within AR Transaction ScreenSummary: Unable to find Related Transaction Number within AR Transaction Screen but the same is available within AR FBDI Template. Can you pls let us know how this field…HarshitP 27 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
It is possible to apply a debit memo to an accounts receivable invoiceIf you have an Invoice, and you want to make an adjustment through a debit note, it is possible to apply it to the Invoice, just as it is done with credit notes.or simpl…Sergio Garcia 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Can we get tax amount corresponding to each invoice line on the Invoice print template?Can we get tax amount corresponding to each invoice line on the Invoice print template? Could you please mention the related xml tags? I can see TAX_EXTENDED_AMOUNT, Can…Jaishyam P 28 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Why are Payment Term and Currency Code mandatory fields in the AutoInvoice template?Summary: Why are Payment Term, Currency Code, and Currency Conversion Type mandatory fields in the AutoInvoice template? Given that these details are often predefined in…
How can we account the discounts in Sales Order Invoices in separate Revenue/Discount accounts ?Summary: Requirement is to capture discounts in separate account (other than Revenue account) Sales Order : List Price - $100.00 Discount1 - $5.00 Discount2 - $6.00 Disc…
How to add a QR code in AR print PDF report, where the QR code is coming from 3rd party system.How to add a QR code in AR print PDF report, where the QR code is coming from 3rd party system while integration. We don't want add as an attachment in the invoice, we n…Thanigainathan R 25 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Thanigainathan R Receivables & Collections
The description for the Receivables A/c (Dr.) is not appearingSummary: A transaction was created and posted to the ledger. While viewing the accounting, the description for Revenue (Cr.) is appearing, but the description for the Re…User_MCDLB 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniela Petria-Oracle Subledger Accounting & Accounting Hub
Evaluate Account Rule, Mapping Set in SLA Performance during Create AccountingSummary: We wanted to evaluate whether our account rules is written and mapping sets are defined along mappings in the most efficient approach. We are contemplating betw…RB Vasquez 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniela Petria-Oracle Subledger Accounting & Accounting Hub
While Creating Credit Memo Using FBDI unable to Customer ReferenceSummary: While Creating Credit Memo Using FBDI unable to find Customer Reference Tab, Is there a way through which we can populate the details over there. Content (pleas…