Project Contracts
Discussion List
For Contract Invoice. Can we limit Number of Lines?Summary: For Contract Invoice. Can we limit Number of Lines? For Example there are 1000 Lines (Labor Cost, Non Labor Cost and Events) for a week i.e. ( 22nd Aug to 28th …Shashank Verma-Oracle 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shashank Verma-Oracle Project Management
Accrual event creation for Project Revenue using PPCWe are using the Project Process configurator for the calculation of the revenue. We want the events to be created by this PPC to be checked with the flag "Reverse this …
Contract invoice is not marked as paidSummary: We have a paid contract invoice which is not marked as paid in Contracts. Invoice in AR: Invoice in Contracts (or Unpaid amount is equal to the specific invoice…
Contract Approval based on rolesWe have a requirement to create some roles like Customer Care manager, and Delivery Specialist which should be assigned on the contract. And then those resources should …
We have a requirement to generate Credit memo from COntractWe have a requirement to generate a Credit memo from the Contract. But this credit memo should be a standalone transaction. So that means we don't want to update the eve…
integration between PPM and inventory/assetsDear all kindly find the below I am doing an implementation of the PPM module the client is asking if we can integrate the inventory and the assets in the project for ex…
Ways to link Enterprise sales contract with the internal POWe are implementing InterProject billing functionality. So, the process starts with the Receiver LE raising PO with Receiver POET details on the PO Line. Now, provider L…
One contract, one line, two projects, two events....need one invoiceSummary: We have a contract with one line and two associated projects. We have created one event for each project. When running create invoice this results in two invoic…
Debit and Credit memo generation from PPM ContractsWe are using Amount based invoicing method to generate sales invoices from PPM Contracts. Our requirement is to generate a Receivable debit memo and credit memo from the…
Few fields on Sales invoice generated from Sales ContractsBelow are some of the fields on the Sales invoice generated from the contract: Document Subtype on the Invoice Header Product Category, Product type, and User Defined Fi…
notification when revenue hold is removed on a contractSummary: Content (required): Is there any seeded notification/alert that can be sent when revenue hold is removed on a contract? If there is no seeded option, Is it feas…
How to create a list of projects linked to ContractsSummary: We need a list of all projects and their links to Contracts. Similar to this overview for one project: Content (required): Version (include the version you are …
How to do Deliverable based Billing in Fusion PPMSummary How to do Deliverable based Billing in Fusion PPMContent We had this feature in Oracle EBS where we used to initiate the Billing event from project contracts, as…
Can we use project contracts for recurring billing?Summary: Is there a way we can use project contract for recurring billing? Content (required): One of my customers who implemented project contracts has a requirement to…
Intercompany in Projects- Multiple Providing Orgs to associate on a contractSummary: Intercompany in Projects- Multiple Providing Orgs to associate on a contract Content (required): Hi Team, I have scenario for Intercompany process to associate …
Streamline project invoice to receivablesContent Hi All, I am looking to create a streamlined PPM to AR process as below. Kindly share your advise and thoughts for how to achieve this. So, I will be creating a …
Generating Invoices - Billing CyclesSummary: Content (required): Our billing cycles are based off of a 5-4-4 calendar, where contracts are grouped into week 1-4 billing cycles. These cycles are based on mo…
We have requirement to club events as different Invoice lines for the invoice created on ContractWe are using Amount based invoicing method. So, on the contract and a particular contract line billing events will be created with the billing amount to create a sales i…
Extract 'Person Name' in Invoice.Summary:We are developing a invoice where we wanted Person Name For Labor Cost transaction in the Invoice. But we dont see any Column related to Person in PJC_COST_DIST_…Shashank Verma-Oracle 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Pradeep Balakrishnan Project Management
Will 'Manage General Accounting Activities' Privilege impact number of finance licensesSummary: Will Privilege 'Manage General Accounting Activities (GL_MANAGE_GENERAL_ACCOUNTING_ACTIVITIES_PRIV)' impact number of finance licenses? Content (required): Priv…
Disable FYI notification for enterprise procurement contractsSummary: Hi Team, Our organization used both buy and sell intent contracts, contracts are auto approved in both the cases. However users who are using sell intent contra…Gopal Krishna Thammana 26 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Zaheer Ahmed-Oracle Project Management
We want to use retention functionality for the Sales invoice generated from ProjectsSummary: As retention billing functionality is not available in the Oracle Fusion PPM. We are checking for all other alternative approaches using which we would be able …
Is it possible to use more than one transaction Source for Invoice generated from ContractOn the Contract BU option, we can provide a transaction source for the External and Internal Invoice. I want to use different transaction sources for different contracts…
Project Management Cloud Acronym?Summary: I understand that Project Portfolio Management (PPM) was renamed to Project Management Cloud. I thought that the acronym might be PMC, however when I search for…
System generated email notification for new setups and/or modificationsSummary: UW needs the ability to system generate new award setup and/or modification email notices to the PI/grant-project account. Content (required): Is there a way to…
Is "ContractNumber" mandatory or not for Contract Creation in Oracle PPM ?Summary: Why is "ContractNumber" mandatory field when we want to create a contract using "createContract" operation of "/fscmService/ContractServiceV2" webservice , howe…
What is the usage or functionality of the contract line number in bill plan person override sectionSummary: Content (required): Contract >> Billing Tab >> Bill plan OR Revenue Plan >> Schedules and Overrides Tab >> Person Rate and Discount Overrides Section What is th…
OTBI Project Cross Subject Area do not return value to link contract with projectSummary: OTBI Project Cross Subject Area do not return value to link contract with project. Is there a way to get the report of projects associated with a contract ? Con…
How to use Event type from PPM in Receivables SLAOur requirement is to generate different types of invoices (like proforma, Advance, Final) . But as there is the limitation that we can have only one transaction type on…