Project Contracts
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Invoices created from Contract should be added on same Invoice as different lines on ReceivablesWe are using the seeded invoice generation method which is Amount based. All the contract and billing events will be created using an interface from a boundary applicati…
How to find out from BIP query which will result in project not assigned to any project contractSummary: How to find out from BIP query which will result in project not assigned to any project contract Content (required): Version (include the version you are using,…
InterProject Contract disappearsSummary: We have created several InterProject Contracts, but are unable to requery them in the UI. We are able to see them in OKC_K_HEADERS_ALL_B. We are also able to se…
Enable billing options at contract typeSummary: Newly defined contract type with no "enable billing options" ticked, still showing billing options at contract level Content (required): I am trying to define a…
Hard Limit for revenue not invoicingWe are running into an issue with converting our projects data. In our legacy system we are able put a cap on generating revenue while still allowing billing to occur in…
Receivable Invoice generated from PPM Contract should have manual invoice numberWe are generating all the receivable invoices from PPM Project and Contract and then transferring them to the receivables module. On the contract, we have Amount based b…
How to specify a threshold on the project bill rateSummary We want to set up a threshold on the bill rate for employees whose time is getting billed to customerContent We have a scenario where in employees bill rates are…
Setting Up Contract So that it will Bill for Cost + 10% to the CustomerSummary: Currently We have set up the contract's Bill Plan as Cost Reimbursable method. However the client is looking for a solution where in its Cost + 10% . Is there a…Shashank Verma-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shashank Verma-Oracle Project Management
Salesperson LOV query for Contract > Billing TabSummary: Content (required): (Project Contracts) Contract Management > Contracts > Search and open Contract > Billing Tab Salesperson field There is showing a salesrep "…
How to give respective project codes to the Account code combinationsSummary: Creating Invoices from the contract management module and the projects are already associated to the contract lines. Now, when we transfer the Contract Invoices…
Intercompany between 2 LE's under the same business unit in PPM FusionSummary Could you pls share experience if you have done intercompany between 2 LE’s under the same business unit in PPM.Content In our scenario, we have shared services …
Use cases for billing offsetsSummary Use cases for billing offsetsContent Please can you share your experiences in implementing billing offsets in project billing? Any specific use cases will be ext…User_2025-02-05-23-22-49-102 56 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Bo Tøpgaard Project Management
During the Cost Data Migration do we Uncheck Billable Task and Migrate or this will be taken care bySummary During the Cost Data Migration do we Uncheck Billable Task and Migrate or this will be taken care by Migration In Progress on CONTRACTContent Hello All, During t…
Revenue for internal funding source in grantSummary Is it possible to generate or transfer revenue from/to an internal funding source in Grants managementContent Hi, I have a grant with an external and internal fu…
Has anyone had issues with the Billing Offset due to inconsistent conversion data? How to fix?Summary: We are trying to rectify issues that prevent the Billing Offset from working properly are curious if others can share some perspectives on how best to resolve t…
Can I control Receivables Account for Interproject invoices - Cost Center = Contract OrgSummary: Recievables Accounting for InterProject invoices are controlled by the Intercompany balancing Rules configuration. Can I control the Cost Center segment? I woul…
Unable to create Table type DFF in Project ContractsSummary: Unable to create Table type DFF in Project Contracts (Values need to select from Contract Party contacts) Content (required): Hi, I have a requirement to config…
Project Process Configurator Alias is NULLWhen attempting to configure a Project Process Configurator the Alias List of values is NULL, any ideas why? Thanks in advance. Esmeralda
Project Process Configurator Alias is NULLWhen attempting to configure a Project Process Configurator the Alias List of values is NULL (specifically for Project Invoice and Project Revenue), any ideas why? Thank…
How to use Project specific attributes for the Accounting derivation of AR InvoiceSummary: I want to use Project-specific attributes like Project Billing events, Project organization to derive certain segments (Natural account and CC respectively) on …
Rate on Contract invoiceSummary: Where can I see the actual rate used on an Invoice? We have entered Overrides rates: But where can I see the rate used on the individual invoice: Content (requi…
Hi can any one please provide the PPM SLA documentSummary: can any one please provide the PPM SLA document along with each source description, validation condition descriptions. Content (required): Version (include the …Chasrika-Oracle 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Andy May-Coates-Oracle Project Management
Project HierarchySummary Enterprise Project structureContent Hi All, Requirement is to setup a Project parent child hierarchy. As we do not have 'Project as program ' EBS functionality i…
Contract Line Billing tab incorrect Invoiced Amount (also posted in Enterprise Contracts)Summary: Invoiced Amount on contract line billing tab under billing controls is incorrect. Discrepancy does not prevent contract line from being closed, correct amount i…
Is there any possibility to update a DFF on a contract without the need to create amendment on contrSummary: We would need to have a specific process that would involve the creation of a DFF and afterwards its usage in the contract. We would like this DFF to have a lis…
Ability to configure approvals based on contract lineSummary: Ability to configure approvals based on contract line Content (required): Hi team, Per our business process, we need a approval work flow based on contract line…PPM Consultant 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Andy May-Coates-Oracle Project Management
Ability to manage advance invoices on a contract in PPMSummary: Ability to manage advance invoices on a contract in PPM Content (required): hi team, 1) As client organization is a Project driven org. Need to manage Advance i…
Difference in Transfer price basis in Rule and Amount type in ScheduleSummary: Do you think that the product should allow revenue as basis in rules with cost as the amount type in schedules? Let me know in case any thing is missed in the d…
Ability of Recurring invoices on monthly basis in Project Contract managementSummary: Ability of Recurring invoices on monthly basis in Project Contract management Content (required): Hi Team, Is there any Ability of Recurring invoices issued to …
what is the difference between the amount based and as Billed method ?Summary: While working on a contract in the billing side we will face many methods for billing and revenue as oracle doc they provided a table explaining each one but wa…