Cost of Attendance-COA
Discussion List
COA_TERM_ACY configuration worksSummary: Our team has some questions about how the COA_TERM_ACY configuration works. Oracle’s description of this config workbook is found here:…
PER_MONTH_PP COA Item Applicability and Partial MonthsSummary: How is the PER_MONTH_PP COA Item Applicability calculated when a student is attending for only part of a month? Content: The current product documentation does …
Does any one having the issue to query "PACKAGE_COA_ITEM_VW" ?Summary: Why is the PACKAGE_COA_ITEM_VW view timing out when queried, and could this be causing the timeout issue with the SFP Report View that returns each COA componen…
Optimizing the Housing Status Declaration Document Request (requesting collecting, and historical)?Summary: We are trying to determine the best way to optimize the requesting and collecting of Housing Status Declaration Documents for the 24-25 award year onward. Our i…