Ship and Debit
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View Incentives for sales orders created from CPQ Quotes not fetching Eligible Supplier ProgramsSummary: @shankar-b-Oracle I am not able to add manually or see the eligible programs applied automatically from the view incentives for the item in a sales order when t…
Order Management extension to get eligible ship and debit programs and apply best programSummary: Hi Experts, Our requirement is to provide discount on the Base price based using the best eligible ship and debit program. As per my knowledge, there is no OOTB…
How does Accrual process for return work in Ship and Debit Program?Hi, If a Sales Order (SO) has been created for a customer with an SSD rebate program applied, and a Return Material Authorization (RMA) is subsequently created for the s…
Can BPM Approval rules be configured for supplier rebates ?Summary: I have enabled the supplier channel management and is not able to see any features under supplier channel management for the BPM Approvals. Also i dont see the …Mathew Thomas93 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by shankar-b-Oracle Channel Revenue Management
Unable to see the existing supplier programs while searching in Supplier Channel Rev Mgmt tab in 24CUnable to view the existing supplier programs while searching in Supplier Channel Revenue Managment tab. -- While searching the supplier programs, I am unable to view th…
Customer Program are not visible under Program Tab for ChRMSummary: Customer Program are not visible under Program Tab for ChRM. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have created several programs and…Abhishek Sinha 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Abhishek Sinha Channel Revenue Management
How does Ship and Debit works without Back to Back ordered Items?Summary: How does Ship and Debit works without Back to Back ordered Items? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How does Ship and Debit work wi…
Does supplier Ship and Debit works with CPQ Pricing?Summary: Does supplier Ship and Debit works with CPQ Pricing instead of Fusion Pricing? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): For setting up Sup…
Ship and DebitSummary Demo / VideoContent Do you have a video / demo for "Ship and Debit" which was released in 20C? ThanksMitul Koya-248800 39 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alison Schofield - Oracle-Oracle Channel Revenue Management
How to manually create claim from accurals in Supplier Ship&Debit?Summary Manual Supplier ClaimContent Hi Guru, After shaing the new Supplier Ship & debit solution, one customer asks whether it could manually create claim from accruals…Leander Chen-Oracle 36 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by shankar-b-Oracle Channel Revenue Management