Discussion List
Assets in terminated Contract not availableHI Dears When Terminated Revenue Lease Contracts, Assets in terminated Contract are not available again for a new revenue lease Contract, what is the recommended action …
How Lease Liability on Terminated Leases Is CalculatedSummary: How Lease Liability on Terminated Leases Is Calculated. We are using separate accounts for long term liability, short term liability and lease liability on paym…
Lease accountingHi My Collogues I have Created two lease Revenue Contracts and Import Them to AR Module, but we Discovered a Something wrong in Accounting, so we Could not Make any Amen…
Stub Payment Journal in Wrong periodSummary: Hi Team, We have encountered one scenario and need some clarification on the same. We have one lease which end dated on 31/10/2023 and then it was terminated. H…
Use of these events and journal lines in Lease module.Hello, What is the general use of these events in Lease Module ? • Lease Booking • Lease Expense • Lease Revision • Lease Payments • Lease Termination In addition to thi…
During Lease termination need to enter the Penalty amountSummary: During Lease termination need to enter the Penalty amount. Example. if the Party terminate the Lease before the end of Lease Term. Lessor wants to Penalize the …
Migrating Leases with Gross ROU and Accumulated Amortization BalancesSummary: Many customers have raised a need to migrate leases with Gross ROU and Accumulated Amortization. FLA only takes net ROU today. In this paper, we share ideas to …Navin Gadidala-Oracle 112 views 16 comments 0 points Most recent by Nalsoft Pvt Ltd Financial Management Resource Center
Forex Lease Accounting for Termination is happening at termination date exchange rateLease Booking Exchange Rate = 4 Termination Date Exchange Rate = 3.5 HI All, We have booked new lease at 4 Exchange Rate and ROU and lease liability is caluclated at tha…
is there any calculation logic for Revenue Lease Detail Report?Summary: is there any calculation logic for Revenue Lease Detail Report? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you …
cannot find lease approval workflow to enable. is it BPM workflow only for lease approval now?Summary: cannot find lease approval workflow feature to enable. is it BPM workflow only for lease approval now? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
what is the calculation logic and definition for Accrued Asset Balance?Summary: As attached, what is the calculation logic and definition for Accured Asset Balance? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (inc…
what is the difference between expiry and termination of lease on lease end date?Summary: what is the difference between expiry and termination of lease on lease end date? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (includ…DL003 35 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Question on Termination of Finance SubleasesExperts, We are designing solution for Subleases for both Operating and Finance leases. I am stuck at one crucial point around Termination of Finance Sublease, for which…Navin Gadidala-Oracle 13 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Navin Gadidala-Oracle Lease Accounting
Revenue Lease Amendments and TerminationsSummary: Per Oracle documentation, Amendments and Terminations for Revenue Leases are not supported in release 23C. Amendments are coming in 23D and Terminations are on …
Impair Lease is grey outSummary: When closing GL period, we are having a impair transaction as unprocessed. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The impair button in t…Kirtee Jeetah-Naran 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Kirtee Jeetah-Naran Lease Accounting
"finance lease"Summary: Change of asset ownership at end of finance lease Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Business would like to automatically add an ass…Senthil Mohanraj 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Recommended Accounting for Terminations and Option Management for Revenue Operating Property LeasesSummary: Lease Accounting enabled management of Revenue Operating Property Leases in 23.C Users can activate, accrue, bill and account for Revenue Leases which are Opera…Navin Gadidala-Oracle 91 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Financial Management Resource Center
Difference Between Lease Accounting module and the Lease Asset Option in Fixed AssetsSummary We currently do not have lease accounting turned on and we've been looking to implement it. I notice there seem to be 2 modules to handle it: Fixed Assets and Le…
Lease Accounting to comply IFRS 16Content I am keen to understand the functionalities available in Lease Accounting. We have looked at it couple of years ago where we felt it was not fitting to our requi…