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Grievances process ?Summary Grievances process ?Content Hi, Do we have options to handle Grievances process against employee /employer both parties ? Regards, AbhishekAbhishek Sood HCM 52 views 11 comments 2 points Most recent by MadisonMyers Human Capital Management
Terminate an Employee with direct reporteeSummary Terminate an Employee with direct reporteeContent Hi All, If an employee who is having direct reportes is terminated, will there be two approval rules? One for t…User_2025-01-31-20-01-00-954 72 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Yaswanth_Pappu-Oracle Human Capital Management
How to create employees without user nameSummary How to create employees without user nameContent Hi, How to create employees without user name?User_2025-02-04-20-35-38-443 34 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mansur Khalil Human Capital Management
future dated employee details in ESSSummary What is the rule of thumb on future dated mutations and ESS?Content I noticed that in the employee selfservice screens, future dated mutations are not visible fo…Inge Marinus 40 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Girish Singh-Oracle Human Capital Management
Personal Information - My DocumentsSummary My DocumentsContent Hello We would like to hide the 'Document Records' card that appears under Personal Info, yet we require the Quick Action ' Document Records'…
Position Synchronization - HierarchyContent We have enabled Position Hierarchy and all positions have parent position. When we hire an employee we don;t see the parent position incumbent is automatically a…
How to add fields on Promotion/Transfer/Termination quick actions?Summary How to add fields on Promotion/Transfer/Termination quick actions?Content I tried to add or remove fields during these quick actions using sandbox and customizin…
Request a New Position Form CustomizationsSummary Hiring Managers are having difficulty submitting requests for new positions, based on confusion concerning field names on the 'Request a New Position' formConten…
Workforce Modeling AnalyticsSummary Need to know how to enable Workforce Modeling AnalyticsContent We are going to implement Workforce Modeling. I have created few models. But the analytics such as…Gimhani Perera 137 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Human Capital Management
Define Locations at Legal Entity LevelSummary Can the locations be defined at legal entity levelContent Currently the locations are defined under common set and noted that with finance implementation the loc…Prasan Edirisinghe 55 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Prasan Edirisinghe Human Capital Management
Structure - Tools "Show On Navigator" Read OnlySummary Structure > Tools - the "Show On Navigator" appears to be Read Only. Have an EL Expression to edit, but can't.Content Did something happen with R19B or R19C to l…
How can we change the owner of reports processes and scheduling that will be coming inactive to a diSummary How can we change the owner of reports processes and scheduling that will be coming inactive to a different user?Content Hello, We have BI and OTBI reports that …
Notifications that are turned on, and their contentSummary Notifications that are turned on, and their contentContent Hi All, I need to obtain a list of all notifications that are enabled, and what the notification sends…User_2025-02-05-00-00-52-415 57 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro Human Capital Management
How to Display Organization Chart According to Effective DateSummary We want to display organization chart at certain datesContent Hi All, Our customer need this requirement and I think it is reasonable. They want to display Organ…User_2025-02-04-18-26-11-309 85 views 22 comments 2 points Most recent by Prudence K Human Capital Management
RUI 19C - Unable to hide Add button under National identifier in release 19CSummary RUI 19C - Unable to hide National identifier - Add button in release 19CContent Hello, We are testing 19C In new RUI pages under ME >Personal information> Person…
Disable email notifications but keep bell notifications for a few HCM modulesContent Hello All, My client wants to disable email notifications for a few HCM modules like talent management but keep email notifications for vacation approvals for eg…PriyaPenugonda-SC 127 views 5 comments 4 points Most recent by PriyaPenugonda-SC Human Capital Management
Hiring Manager on Manage PersonSummary We are looking for a way to capture hiring manager on the person at time of hireContent During our hiring process, we want to be able to input who the hiring man…Rob Stahly 43 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro Human Capital Management
Adding Springboard Icons as Shortcuts to Application PagesSummary How to add an existing Fusion HCM page as a springboard icon link?Content We are looking to add a new icon to our springboard (just like Personal Information, Go…Saul Smith 206 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro Human Capital Management
Need to send an Email once approval transaction is completedSummary Need to send an Email once approval transaction is completedContent Hi Team, There is a requirement like once approval transaction is completed the completed not…Kishore_KS 50 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro Human Capital Management
Approval setup for Core HR transactionsSummary Approval setup for Core HR transactionsContent Hi Team, The requirement is there are 3 initiaters A,B and C If A initiate ---> the approval will trigger to B and…
Landing Page Background Image- Crop Region maximum dimensionsContent Hello All, Does anyone know the maximum dimensions of the crop tool in Landing page background image? Irrespective of the size of the image, the crop tool seems …PriyaPenugonda-SC 78 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro Human Capital Management
Switched to Newsfeed and lost Save, Review, Submit, and Done in Person ManagementSummary I updated our UI to the Newsfeed layout but now cannot save any HR transactionsContent I no longer see the Done button, or any save buttons. This is for HR and a…Maria VanderMolen 48 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria VanderMolen Human Capital Management
Seniority Dates V3 - can this be reverted back to V1?Summary Seniority Dates V3 - can this be reverted back to V1?Content If we have run the following ESS job in error: Migrate to Version 3 of Seniority Dates in error and …Ruzwan Akram 85 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-30-03-55-38-309 Human Capital Management
Changing Font ColorContent Hi I need to change the font color of the some text fields. After applying the 19 B font colors of some pages has changed. For example Me> Employment Info > Lega…Ayesha Thilakarathna 140 views 16 comments 5 points Most recent by Arnaud Bory Human Capital Management
Global Display NameContent I am configuring Display name as Preferred Name and Last Name. Just wanted to know what will happen if Preferred Name is missing for employees, will it take firs…
Person Security Profile - Exclude Job FamilyContent Hi, we are building a security profile and want to exclude people that are in a particular job family. How can we do this? Is there a custom SQL for this? We can…
Functional Manager TypeSummary Functional Manager TypeContent What is the difference between line manager and functional manager when adding manager to an assignment. What is functional manage…User_2025-02-05-07-31-11-275 48 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Need to synchronize other fileds when use only Position in Worker HSDL sheetSummary Need to synchronize other fileds when use only Position in Worker HSDL sheetContent Hi All, I loaded worker through HSDL and all data has loaded successfully and…
How to Customize Worklist Notification for Marital StatusSummary How to Customize Worklist Notification for Marital StatusContent Hello, Our requirement is to add work emailID iin the marital status email notification. Is this…User_2025-02-04-14-57-35-200 84 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by MandeepKGupta Human Capital Management
Best Practices for defining Org / Dept and Position hierarchies in Cloud HCMSummary Best Practices for defining Org / Dept and Position hierarchies in Cloud HCMContent Hi All, Based on the your implementation (or support ) experiences , can you …Abhishek Sood HCM 50 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Human Capital Management