Discussion List
Approval Error - Request a new positionSummary Approval Error - Request a new positionContent Ive put a simple manager approval for the transaction - request a new position. For one requestor it goes to the m…User_2025-02-05-07-31-11-275 51 views 25 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-05-07-31-11-275 Human Capital Management
HCM Cloud Talk Radio: HCM Cloud Document Records - Repository and a Form BuilderSummary HCM Cloud Talk Radio: HCM Cloud Document Records - Repository and a Form BuilderContent Would you like to learn more about Document Records for HCM Cloud? Join u…Frank Cowell-Oracle 24 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Frank Cowell-Oracle Human Capital Management
Viewing what transactions someone you delegated access to approved on your behalfSummary Viewing what transactions someone you delegated access to approved on your behalfContent Hi All, I'm really keen to understand if there is a way a Line Manager, …User_2025-02-05-00-00-52-415 29 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Tarun Mehra Human Capital Management
Approval Configuration OptionsSummary Approval Configuration OptionsContent As per …User_2025-02-05-07-31-11-275 83 views 5 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-01-22-18-30-18-571 Human Capital Management
Submit button disappaers when remove the reverse termination buttonContent Hi Team, In 19c - there is a new reverse termination page and we don't want the users start using now and then we would like to hide "reverse" button from view t…User_2025-01-30-18-03-08-879 42 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-30-18-03-08-879 Human Capital Management
Global Temporary TransferSummary How to handle short term relocations in FusionContent We have employees traveling to onsite on short term. For such cases we process payroll in new country. We w…
Need Help? Contact Us Functionality is not enabled in MSSSummary Need Help? Contact Us Functionality is not enabled in MSSContent Hi All, There is functionality 'Need Help? Contact Us' against Employee Termination against MSS.…User_2025-02-04-13-38-23-560 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Karen Waddell Human Capital Management
How can we compare in Employement Workflow flixfield current to proposed?Summary How can we compare in Employement Workflow flixfield current to proposed?Content Hello, We would like to edit the 'Employment' approval flow, to disable the flow…Revital Mefano 30 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Bhavna Thakur-Oracle Human Capital Management
Disabling Manage Direct Report > Direct report actionContent We have a requirement to disable the direct report function from the manage direct report action. I tried to perform the action via HCM Experience Design Studio.…Ayesha Thilakarathna 54 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ayesha Thilakarathna Human Capital Management
Welcome / New joinee auto email from OracleSummary Need to know where to configure the welcome / new joinee auto email templateContent Hi All, Need to know where i can create welcome / new joinee auto email (welc…Neeraj Awate 281 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-22-41-52-698 Human Capital Management
Need Enterprise SnapshotContent Hi, I wanted to extract an organization chart like snapshot of enterprise currently in place like below. Is there any place in application to extract this thing.…
Cannot find database item for Regular or Temporay field when creating fast formulaContent Hello experts, how can I find the database value for the following field when creating fast formula: REGULAR OR TEMPORARY (this field is visible in Core HR, Mana…
Need Approval Rule - 2 levels of Manager but Skip Certain ManagersSummary Need to Skip Certain ApproversContent We have several HCM transactions that we would like to get two levels of manager approval. But there are few cases where we…
Oracle HCM Configuration - Configure SmartNavSummary I am trying to edit the Personal_Info:SmartNav menu, but unable to see the "gears" to configure the actionsContent I am trying to edit the SmartNav menu, but the…User_2025-01-25-04-20-15-792 71 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Linda Dunn Human Capital Management
Shared Knowledge: Wiki-like document for common configuration itemsContent Hello All, I'm wondering if there is a way for all of us to collaborate and create some good documentation based on the latest changes or information we all know…
Responsive UI Profile Options List for HCM- ChecklistContent Hi All, I've created the responsive UI list of profile options that can be enabled in excel format to use as a checklist during implementations. Please download …PriyaPenugonda-SC 75 views 6 comments 10 points Most recent by PriyaPenugonda-SC Human Capital Management
Security Console configurationSummary Can the Security Console be a date tracked form?Content Are there any options to configure the Security Console to be a date tracked form? For example if we hire…
19C - Not able to access “Manage Approval Transactions for Human Capital Management” feature under “Summary 19C - Not able to access “Manage Approval Transactions for Human Capital Management” feature under “setup and Maintenance”Content Hi All, Not able to access “Man…
Approval Rules accessSummary 19C upgrade issues - Approval RulesContent Hi, Does anyone has the issue where Approval rules section is not available any longer after 19C upgrade of your custo…Praseetha Mohandas-Oracle 46 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by Praseetha Mohandas-Oracle Human Capital Management
Configurable forms in Checklist TemplatesSummary How to Configure forms in Checklist TemplatesContent Hi Experts, Need your support on how to configure "Configurable forms" in Checklist Templates? Because the c…
Hide Not Applicable action from Onboarding My Task actionsContent Hello, As a Manager we can see an option 'Not Applicable' under Action drop down of My Team ->Onboarding->My Task UI. There is also Not Applicable button inside …Ananya Sadhukhan 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Enterprise ChecklistsSummary Need the users to access specific Enterprise checklist onlyContent Hi, I have a checklist for Global Transfer created based on the Enterprise Onboarding checklis…
In Manage Eligible Job, jobs from job sets are not reflectingSummary Hello!Working on Manage Eligible Jobs,but the jobs from Job sets are not reflecting. Please let me know what we need to do.User_DVJ47 30 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Newsfeed- Assignment Change Transaction IssueSummary Unable to use the assignment attributes in assignment change transactionContent Hello, We use several flexfields on employees' assignment records and allow them …
Assignment Change MSS Transaction shows as 'Transfer' on Person RecordSummary Assignment Change MSS Transaction shows as 'Transfer' on Person RecordContent Hello, We currently allow managers to complete assignment change transactions throu…Shanna Oppenheim 72 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Not able to Import Hong Kong GeographiesSummary Not able to Import Hong Kong GeographiesContent Hi , I am trying to import Hong Kong Geographies but the import option is disable for Hongkong , is anybody gone …
Eligibility Profiles in Checklist TasksSummary How Eligibility Profiles in Checklist Tasks are working?Content Hi Experts, I would like to know how eligibility profiles are working for checklist tasks. Becaus…Achala Munasinghe 132 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Shweta Ganguly-Oracle Human Capital Management
Secure person data by countryContent We want to grant our 8 Heads of Country (HoC) data access to all employee's data records in the system who currently work in their location. Preferably, the data…
Documents of Record - Ability to hide edit/delete button to Line ManagersContent Hello, Just a quick query... we have document types that would would like line managers to have the ability to do an upload on behalf of an employee, however whe…
New Hire - Legal EntityContent New Hire page should all the legal employees, we want to restrict so users can see only their legal employer. Thank you!