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Exception during RestAction error on Document Types landing pageSummary: The profile options are correct enabled and privileges are also assigned to the user. But it causes the error as soon as we go to My Client Group → Quick Action…
Details on the patch update for 25ASummary: Hi All, Could someone please provide the Oracle documentation regarding the patch schedule for 25A? Additionally, could you share the updated areas for sanity c…
How to get the view instance name for all the personal detail approvalHI team, We wanted to get the view instance name for all the objects. majorly for personal information approval. Like Demographic info, Global name change..etc . We want…
Initial Person Number is not incrementing in correctlySummary: We have noticed big gaps in the automatic Initial Person Number increments. We are expecting the sequence to increment by 1 but in some cases the gaps are 3501,…Consultant Ian 27 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Mike Remi - Oracle Contractor-Oracle Human Capital Management
Updated list of Redwood Pages with Profile Options for 25AIs there an updated list of Redwood Pages with Profile Options for 25A please. I have the previous document up to 24D.
Talent Profiles quick Action in Redwood: unable to see employees Skills and qualificationsSummary: Hi all, We have activated Talent Profiles page in Redwood by setting this profile option ORA_HRT_TRANSACTIONAL_REDWOOD_ENABLED to yes; we have also added to our…Daria Francesca Emanuela Crisci 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Daria Francesca Emanuela Crisci Human Capital Management
Are old MOS doc ID's still available in the new MOS system?I searched an old Doc ID in MOS, Doc ID 2913986.1, and can't seem to find it. It seems that the new Oracle Support system does not index the old Doc ID's. Is there a way…
Approval notifications is blankSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi everyone, We are having an issue with displaying approval notifications for various flows. In …Gerardo Peluso 654 views 18 comments 0 points Most recent by L.G.M Manikanta Human Capital Management
How to automatically save Compensation Change Statements in document records?Could you advice please if there is any way to save Compensation Change Statements in document records automatically when they are generated?
Ability utilize Change Photo / Personal Details functionality to upload photosWe have a requirements wherein we are looking to utilize the Change Photo / Personal Details functionality to upload photos in the HCM Application but not use it as a Co…
When will Fusion Middleware technologies happen every year for cloud customers?Summary When will Fusion Middleware technologies happen every year for cloud customers?Content When will Fusion Middleware technologies happen every year for cloud custo…User_2025-01-22-19-57-20-732 25 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Parag Hiremath Human Capital Management
HR view only role for Document RecordsSummary: HR view only role for Document Records Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we would like to create new HR roles only f…
If initiator is the approver in the Document of records transaction workflow , how to skip ?Summary: We have one document of records which has 3 approval stage →Line Manger→Department Head→HRBP Approver. But if department head raise a DOR request which goes to …
ORA-00920: invalid relational operator when running a copied extractSummary: Receiving an ORA-00920: invalid relational operator when running a copied extract I didn't change anything in the extract. Click Copy > Compile the related fast…
Invalid Primary Flags Report Which to use?We are utilizing Invalid Primary Flags Report (V1 and V2) to fix the overlapping Work Relationships. However, we need further understanding on the following : How do we …
Default value of context segment does not show the new context in document typeSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We created a new context 'AE_ADDITIONAL_PAID_MATERNITY_LEAVE' for our document type but this is n…Pranjal Mohla 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by PriyankaAgarwal -Oracle Human Capital Management
Communication section not visible in Family and Emergency Contact not visible for Line managersSummary: Hello , We are facing issue where the communication section is not visible to the Line managers. We referred below community thread. Added the privilege in our …Hezal_Meshram24 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Oracle Support Knowledgebase AttachmentsSummary: Has anyone else experienced persistent issues downloading attachments from Oracle Support? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I freq…Craig Roch 1984 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Volodymyr Faranosov Human Capital Management
How to increase Maximum Length in format only value setSummary: I have created a Document Records Descriptive Flexfield for one DOR. I have created a format only value set and given maximum length as 150. It is not allowing …
Unable to add Users to "Attachment Read" Security RoleSummary: Requesting 'Attachments Read' role to download user uploaded documents directly from the Oracle web center. Users are greyed out Content (please ensure you mask…
Auto-Population of Overall Summary Rating in Performance DocumentCurrently, managers have to manually select the overall summary rating in the performance document. Sometimes, they choose a different rating than what they have given i…
Issue with Performance Template Notification TriggeringSummary: We have observed that the current functionality of the performance template sends notifications only to the recipient based on task completion. For example, whe…rai pragya-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Neelakanta-Oracle Performance Management
Renaming attachment field in document of record for a specific form.I am creating a Document of record and want to rename the "Attachments" field to "Add copy of passport in attachments" for a specific form. I tried renaming it through p…
Document type restrict by Legal EmployerHow it make a restriction for the document type only certain Legal Employer employees can access the document. Is there any security profile or eligibility profile for t…
DOR - Error flexfields not appear in page document recordsHello team could help us We are having problems with document records flexfields we have a flexfields that returns the employee's category type information for some reas…Carla P57 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Where can we find the comments/attachments that were part of a now approved variation?We are currently unable to find/view the comments or attachments of past approved contract variations/changes that were submitted using the transfer, change assignment o…
New Redwood Document Record Deep LinkSummary: In 24D, our existing deep link for Redwood Document Records page is not longer working. An SR has been raised. Reviewing the deep link selection, we noticed a n…
Creating a new springboard icon?Summary: We would like to separate out document records so that we can give access to particular to some records while maintaining confidentiality for other records. (Ex…
Update the values for Will the assignment be temporary or permanent? fieldSummary: In Add Assignment, there is a field - Will the assignment be temporary or permanent? which allows you to choose between Temporary and Assignment. Question is if…
Document of Records limit amount of attachments per Document typeHello Experts We have some document Types that we need to apply a limitation on the number of Attachments. More specifically: It is a document type that users add monthl…Pedro Teixeira 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management