User Experience: UX
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Is there a plan for Redwood to be enabled for Worklife modules?We are implementing the Worklife modules in version 24A, but we did not find any references about Redwood for ESS in Wellness, Personal Brand or Volunteering. I would be…
How to differentiate the Email "From": Display Name basing on the Notification TypeSummary: How to differentiate the Email "From": Display Name basing on the Notification Type Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, we went i…
Personalise Global Events in VolunteeringSummary: Content (required): Hey All, Is there an ability to personalise the Global Events section in Me - Volunteering - Projects? We have a question from a client aski…
How to remove Soft skills from personal Brand AdministrationSummary: Remove Soft Skills from personal Brand Content (required): Dear All, Please let me know if there is any way to remove standard soft skills from personal Brand A…
How to add the "processed" status in the list of statuses on benefits "Evaluation and reporting"Summary: Earlier we had the processed status option in the list on benefits' reporting and evaluation area (please see screenshot for visual explaination). from past few…
Worklife Notifications not working post submission of skill connector/ Generate notification jobSummary: We are trying to see the and view the email notifications (and bell icon) for some of the features E.g. 1) Experts are notified when questions are posted. 2) Ow…
Custom Skills and Skill Categories in Employee Personal BrandSummary: Hi, We want to add Custom Skills and Skill Categories in Employee Personal Brand but there is no option. System at the moment (release22a) is just allowing to u…
Hiding Scoreboard only for Learning ModuleSummary: Hiding Scoreboard only for Learning Module Content (required): Dear All, Is there any way to hide scoreboard only for learning module using page customization, …
Reputation in mobileSummary When is Reputation going to be available in the NewsFeed Reponsive mobile phone interface?Content We are planning implementation of Work Life, and want to use th…
Wearable device - Managing Employee WellnessContent Hi Team, I would like to know the below: 1. List of Devices which is compatible to enable this feature. 2. Any configuration to be made for adding the fitness de…Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] 83 views 2 comments 3 points Most recent by Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] Work Life Solutions