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The recording for August office hour is availableSummary: OCI – Multicloud Office Hour: Reference Architectures Content (required): Webinar recording URL - https://community.oracle.com/customerconnect/events/604807-oci…
Problem Free tier Oracle Account - Block ODSASummary: We are doing a POC for the ODSA solution for our client but when we have configured the ODSA we have this problem Content (required): So we can't provision data…Trabelsi-hamma 61 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kuljeet Singh - Oracle-Oracle OCI Multicloud
OTL-How to create data source (unfiltered/filtered) to single attribute time cards?Summary: Creating data source for single attribute time cards? Content (required): I needed to create a single attribute time cards for a demo instance which needs to ha…Rajaraman Subramanian-Oracle 35 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by johnwargo-Oracle OCI Multicloud
Understanding the changes in Synchronize Transaction Workflow Status as part of 23B patchSummary: Hi Team, Please help us in understanding the below points on resiliency feature of service excellence as part of 23 B patch: https://www.oracle.com/webfolder/te…