Understanding the changes in Synchronize Transaction Workflow Status as part of 23B patch
Hi Team,
Please help us in understanding the below points on resiliency feature of service excellence as part of 23 B patch:
1. As part of the resiliency change in Synchronize Transaction Workflow Status ESS process, are force approving and withdraw option for stuck transaction is new feature and is not available in currently?
2. profile option is provided for force approve action ‘FUN_ENABLE_FORCEAPPROVE_FROM_STUCK_TRANS_ESSJOB’. Please suggest if any profile option is required for withdrawal of stuck transaction also?
3. Please suggest if profile option ‘FUN_ENABLE_FORCEAPPROVE_FROM_STUCK_TRANS_ESSJOB’ would be available after 23B patch for enabling it or we have to create this new profile post patch application.