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Can we send license information on the GTM to EBS Response XML ?Hi Team, Can we trigger the License Number information back to EBS on the Response XML which is triggering from GTM? We are using ITM adapter for the inbound which is to…Vishanth Gopalrathnam 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Kalidindi-Oracle Global Trade Management
Details of EBS to GTM Integration through ITM AdapterWe are trying to connect EBS to GTM through ITM adapter. We are not able to see much details on the Integration Guide. Any suggestions. Version: EBS 12.2.10 and GTM 643Vishanth Gopalrathnam 51 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by MarcD-Oracle Global Trade Management
how Purchase orders are integrated with GTM (Global Trade compliance ) moduleSummary: how Purchase orders are integrated with GTM (Global Trade compliance ) module when is PO information transferred and come back from GTM back and forth Content (…Jenson Samuel-Oracle 113 views 21 comments 0 points Most recent by Tanmay Singh Global Trade Management
How to download Denied Party List from 3rd Party Vendors?Summary: Trade Content Provider Integration with GTM Content (required): We want to integrate the denied party trade content from a 3rd party vendor who is NOT "Descarte…
What are the throttling / concurrent requests limit on Oracle Fusion Cloud Webservices?Hi, Can you please help with below details? 1. What are the throttling limits enforced on th Fusion APIs/Webservices? 2. What is the limitation on the number of concurre…
How to customize Email Notification for Campaign or Campaign LineSummary: As part of a requirement, We need send Customized Email notification when Campaign or Campaign Line is modified or Status is Changed. Currently GTM generates a …Prakash Kavilapati 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Kalidindi-Oracle Global Trade Management
Inbound Integration - Item QualificationSummary: Does GTM support Inbound Integration for Item Qualification? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): GTM XSD contains an "Item Qualificat…
Item Classification RefNum/Remark in XSD?Summary: Are Item Classification RefNum and Remark covered in XSD? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Thanks for adding RefNum and Remark to …
How to use GTM REST API in an OIC Integration?Summary: Trying to use GTM REST APIs in an OIC integration to get data from GTM and transfer it into EBS database tables. Content (required): I found GTM REST APIs from …
Calculate Service CodeSummary: Order is sent into OTM through Middleware and based on this information received OTM needs to looks into the system and send out the service code to respective …Sanganti Rao 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Nilesh Kumar Mal-Oracle Transportation Management
Why there is no API to create user and user association?Summary: Why there is no API to create user and user association? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): There is a user case on our end that ext…
Oracle Visual Builder for GTM?Summary: Any experience using Oracle Visual Builder to build extension for GTM? Content (required): At a lot of times we try to stretch GTM for certain corner use cases …
Integrating with China customsSummary: Has there been any case study or feasibility study on integration with China customs? Content (required): We've got some requests to integrate GTM with China cu…
How to prevent sales order updates after planned shipment creation in OTMSummary: Hi Experts We are using multiple systems for order capture, transportation planning & Shipping and we are following the oracle guided approach to build the inte…Boobalan_A 41 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Nilesh Kumar Mal-Oracle Global Trade Management
Redo process is not working for bulk transmission records?Summary: We are trying to reprocess bulk transmission records in single attempt but redo process is not working. Content (required): How to reprocess transmission using …Bhushan Barapatre 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Bhushan Barapatre Global Trade Management
Why doesn't GtmStructure xsd allow "Replace Child"?Summary: Why doesn't GtmStructure xsd allow "Replace Child"? Content (required): There is no "Replace Child" option in GtmStructure xsd. In that case, how can we remove …Andrew Shang 61 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Kalidindi-Oracle Global Trade Management
How to integrate PO with GTMSummary Send export supplier details to GTM with PO is submitted for approval. Hold PO till screening response is received from GTM. Approve PO when screening response i…Kaushik Chatterjee-190349 91 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Sambit Patnaik Global Trade Management
Best Practices for EDI Communication with Freight ForwardersSummary: We are investigating the opportunity to communicate with Freight Forwarders via EDI and looking for other companies who are already doing this to identify start…Carrie Kaup 34 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Dan Barrios -Oracle Transportation Management
How to get the HTTP Header from an outbound integration messageSummary: How to get the HTTP Header from an outbound integration message Content (required): [Background] Our GTM Outbound Integration is via httppost and basic authenti…Andrew Shang 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel Schoerner -Oracle Global Trade Management
Restricted Party Screening Service Call - 21ASummary Can we make a service call for RPLS screening in GTM 21 AContent Can RPLS screening be done as a service call from external application to GTM 21A. If so, is the…vijay pardeshi 28 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Kalidindi-Oracle Global Trade Management
Middle Name in Party ScreeningSummary Is Middle Name considered in RPLS?Content EBS has a field "Middle Name" for Party master. Interesting enough, GTM does NOT have that in UI but has it in database…Andrew Shang-261792 16 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Ashok Kalidindi-Oracle Global Trade Management
GTM Transaction Line Finder - Involved PartiesSummary Would like to add Country of Involved Parties in the FinderContent We are using GTM Cloud 20A. I would like to know if we have a possibility to enhance this find…
Unable to invoke OTM/GTM REST API from OIC instanceSummary Unable to invoke OTM/GTM REST API from OIC instanceContent We are facing the following error: "status":406,"title":"Not Acceptable","detail": "The resource ident…Kaushik Chatterjee-190349 85 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Maria Matheny-Oracle Global Trade Management
Implementing GTM without OTMSummary Implementing GTM without OTMContent Hello community We start a GTM implementation without OTM Module in a client that today works with EBS and will have ERP Clou…Diego Gonzalez Gavilan 38 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Diego Gonzalez Gavilan Global Trade Management