Landed Cost Simulator
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Output of Cost Allocation in a non USD currency results in a USD valueSummary: Output of Cost Allocation in a non USD currency results in a USD value instead of the actual currency . For Ex - If the Header value is in EUR and the Line Valu…P_Parth-Oracle 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Nilesh Kumar Mal-Oracle Global Trade Management
Cost Allocation based on PO line freight chargeSummary: The requirement is as follows: When multiple POs are shipped via single ASN ,GTM to do cost allocation of freight and insurance from Header to Line but based on…G Abhishek 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Kalidindi-Oracle Global Trade Management
Do Landed cost simulator requires Descartes subscription to show landed costSummary: Dear Experts, Do Landed cost simulator requires Descartes subscription to show landed cost While performing show landed cost in landed cost simulator, it throws…Venkat.M 43 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Daniel Schoerner -Oracle Global Trade Management
GTM Transaction Line Finder - Involved PartiesSummary Would like to add Country of Involved Parties in the FinderContent We are using GTM Cloud 20A. I would like to know if we have a possibility to enhance this find…
Implementing GTM without OTMSummary Implementing GTM without OTMContent Hello community We start a GTM implementation without OTM Module in a client that today works with EBS and will have ERP Clou…Diego Gonzalez Gavilan 39 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Diego Gonzalez Gavilan Global Trade Management