Category 222
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IBM MQ Series JMS invokeSummary: IBM MQ Series adapter invoke error Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, we have created a IBM MQ Series JMS invoke connection…
Consuming REST APIHi, BEGIN v_url := ''; apex_web_service.g_request_headers.DELETE(); apex_web_service.g_request_headers(1).name := 'Aut…
Upcoming event (11/14 at 11am PST): How OCI and Fusion Apps Drive Tangible Benefits for CustomersJoin us on Tuesday, November 14 at 11:00 am PST to learn how organizations are harnessing the combined power of Fusion Applications and OCI to drive tangible benefits at…
where configure Integration credentials to Authorize Process AutomationSummary: when create OIC Gen3 instance and enable Process Automation ,Integration Registered Automatically in Process Automation as service with name Global_INTEGRATION,…
ESS Job Completion Business EventSummary: We have a requirement to trigger an OIC Intergration once the Pick Confirm process (ESS Job in ERP Cloud) completes Content (required): I have a requirement to …
How to build Filter Expr for my custom ESS JobSummary: How to build Filter Expr for my custom ESS Job ,e.g. I want to get outbound event only for this custom Ess job!!! as in Attachment Content (required): Version (…
Unable to get the pdf output from downloadESSJobExecutionDetails when it's called from OiCSummary: Unable to get the pdf output from downloadESSJobExecutionDetails when it's called from OiC Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When I…
get caller details who triggered the integration in case of Failed at TriggerSummary: Hi Team, we have an integration on "Sales Order Notification" but it is triggering more than 20K per hour with wrong SOAPAction header "pushPayload". We need to…
What is the timeout value for Oracle SaaS provided rest apiSummary: Would like to know what is the time out vale for Oracle SaaS provided Rest API's?
Subscribe to OCI streaming with polling frequency&Maximum no of records to be fetched-Best Practice?Summary: Hi, We have a requirement to send the expenses from Oracle cloud to third party system through their API where we want to include OCI streaming service for thro…
How to add "finder" Query Param in OIC ERP Adapter for paymentsExternalPayeesSummary: I want to get PayeeId for a supplier site in an OIC integration. I tested the ERP API directly and it worked well. In OIC integration, I put a Oracle Cloud ERP …
Business events for Contract create/updateSummary: Looking to capture contract create/update event in OIC to execute some extension, but this is not working. Any setups required explicitly to enable the enterpri…
Fault Handler for Multiple OperationsSummary: I have the below flow in which 1) First using DB Adapter, selecting rows from database tables using select queries based on where condition 2) Pass the values f…
Other fields of EmpAssignment Info Not showing in HCM Adapter Atom FeedsSummary: We want to leverage Atom Feeds using OIC for EmpAssignment. However, I noticed that the the level of info I am getting in HCM Adapter is not the same as what I …
OIC integration to retrieve data from R12 EBSSummary: What is the recommended approach to retrieve data from EBS into OIC? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I'm writing an integration i…
How to generate unique id for each record in OIC integration mappingSummary: Hi all, how we can generate the unique ID for each record and it will never repeat. I tried with date timestamp but even seconds are not changing. If my file ha…
Batch Processing REST APISummary: Hi If REST API is having the capability to pass the multiple record in a input payload so if any record failed then how to identify failed record. For e,g - /re…
Access REST API with authentication type as OAuth2.0Hi, Customer has provided REST API with the authentication type as OAuth2.0 to access API using the token which works fine in POSTMAN. How can this be consumed in APEX p…
To invoke a REST API without any request parametersSummary: Content (required): Hi team, I am trying to invoke a REST API in Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC), without submitting any request parameters. In the response mapp…
Target REST endpoint response payload processing failed.[[cannot normalize!]]Summary: Hi Team, We are running API to update payment DFF, it's working fine but in OIC we are getting the below error in updating api, does anyone can help here? "Targ…
invok integration from applications fieldSummary: we have argent issue to validate field on specific application page to prevent duplication for this field value it should be unique(like employee IBAN in Hcm sh…
Read File in Segment not working even for 10MB dataSummary: One of the customer using Taleo, where payslip is coming as Text(base64Gzip) with in a csv file. I have observed each line size may vary from 100KB to 1MB. When…Biman Dey Sarkar-Oracle 122 views 17 comments 0 points Most recent by Biman Dey Sarkar-Oracle Integration
how to skip a column in while reading the file of fixed length in OIC (FTP Adapter)Summary: Hi, We are reading a fixed length file from an FTP directory using FTP adapter. There is one column in the file which have different length of characters. For e…
Can approval notification be tracked as business event?Summary: Client wants to get the approval notification by not only email, but also some other employee touch points, let's say system_1. When a approval notification is …
How to FTP file load to UCM content server via ODISummary: Hi Folks, Can you help me on this topic, How to FTP file load to the UCM content server via ODI tool. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…
Is SOAP trigger counted as event in OICSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
ERP Adapter > Business REST Resources > DataAccessSetLedgersLOVSummary: ERP Adapter > Business REST Resources > DataAccessSetLedgersLOV Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, Can we use the ERP Adapter…
Unable to access HCM Cloud HCMRestAppSummary: When trying to configure an invoke to the HCM Cloud REST services I am receiving an error, this does not occur for the other available REST resources just the H…
OIC DB Adapter and REST API - LoopingSummary: 1) GetProductInfo is using DB Adapter named 'Product Information' to get all the rows from Oracle database; results are fetched using SQL statement based on the…
Integration using REST and DB AdapterSummary: Receive response from REST API by passing ID (this to be queried from Oracle database tables). Based on the response from API, update the values in Oracle datab…