Category 333
Discussion List
Prepare Mass Additions ADFDI - default category details (depreciation expense, life, etc.)Summary: When using the Prepare All ADFDI spreadsheet for AP Source Lines, adding the Category Segments via querying (double clicking), the category defaults do not popu…
How to load bulk of Asset categories using spread sheet/FBDISummary: Hi Expert Can you please advise how to load bulk of Asset Categories using spread sheet/FBDI Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if …
Unable to Upload Mass Addition due to Categories.Summary: Hello, When uploading the assets, I'm getting the following error: This category combination is invalid. Enter a valid category combination. The ADDITION transa…
Is it possible to merge the split asset?Summary: Is it possible to merge the split asset? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets tha…
How to add asset life as 5years 8months 21 daysSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Transfer or adjust large number of assets using spreadsheetsSummary: We have many cases that we must work with large number of assets ( transfer, retire , adjust ..) and takes to much time using spreadsheet Content (required): Wh…
How to deal with CIP assets that related to multiple inovices?Summary: We want to know if we handle the cip assets that releated to multipe invoices in the right way. Content (required): The case is that we have CIP assets , the as…
How to check mass addition process run or not?Summary: We have requirement that If Invoice is created but user forgets to run Mass addition process. So how can we check that Mass addition process is run or not? Is t…
Can we Stop or Avoid Specific or Few Assets not to copy (Mass Copy Transactions) into Tax BookSummary: Is there a way to Stop or Avoid Specific or Few Assets not to copy (Mass Copy Transactions) into Tax Book Content (required): Hi All, Can we Stop or Avoid Speci…
We have requirement to track department for retirement loss or gainSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
How to populate Asset Category Combination (Major/Minor Category) after Importing Asset from PayableSummary: Hi Experts After running Create Mass addition Program, is it possible to populate Asset Category Combination (Major/Minor Category) in Prepare Mass Addition aft…
Asset Control AccountIs it possible to limit what modules can post to an asset control account. I want for only FA to post to a specific account.
REINSTATEMENT ACCOUNTING NOT WORKING (proceeds of sales clearing accounting issue)Summary: Proceeds of sales clearing account generated successfully in retirement has not been reversed when reinstating the asset. Status of reinstatement is also shown …
Incorrect journal category for a subledger journal from payablesSummary: Incorrect journal category for a subledger journal from payables. Content (required): Incorrect journal category for a subledger journal from payables. The cate…
Can we adjust Asset Cost for Amortisation Start Date when the asset placed In service?Summary: User is trying to adjust the cost of an asset after four years it is been placed in service because Government has said this asset is worth than the cost of an …
How to revalue an asset so that the adjustment is to be amortized to spread over the remaining life?To use a simple example: An asset costs $12,000 with an expected life of 5 yrs (60 months), and periodic depreciation is $2000. Halfway through (therefore, at this point…
How can I change the default to field 'In Service Date' in mass additionsSummary: How can I change the default to field 'In Service Date' in mass additions Assets-->Prepare All-->field "In Service Date" The default used to "In Service Date" i…
How to Change depreciation rate for few assetsSummary: Need to change depreciation rate for depreciation method DVB at a time. Content (required): Here we to need change depreciation rate for few assets where deprec…
How to find previous value of Asset Description?Summary: I require to show the previous value of Asset Description in an audit report whenever the description of the asset is updated. However, I'm unable to see histor…
How to derive Cost Center segment based on Purchase requester in Depreciation expense account in FA.Summary: Client would like to auto populate the Cost Center based on Purchase requester from AP invoice lines in FA which they are doing manually right now. The charge a…
Incorrect migration fa balances and depreciation options impact on new asset bookSummary: FA module is not currently being used due to setup implem issue. Incorrect asset balances & calculated depreciation after migration & already posted. Huge fa as…
Is there a way to delete non-FBDI data from Fixed Assets interface tables for FA_MASS_ADDITIONS?Summary: The only existing docs and samples that I see are for Mass Retirements, Mass Transfers, and Mass Adjustments. Content (required): I wanted to delete my Incomple…
Selling of Assets and invoice to AR from assetSummary: Hi Experts Can any advise the required setups & Process flow for Sale of Assets & create Invoice in AR Do we have any Automated Integration from FA to AR to cre…
How Oracle Assets determine if the assets are Finance or Operating?Summary: How Oracle Assets determine if the assets are Finance or Operating? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet…
How to send notification to an employee while doing asset transfer from one employee to anotherSummary: We need to transfer the asset to different employee and once the asset transfer process gets completed, the new employee who was tagged during asset transfer sh…
What is the impact of removing Employee name and code from Asset (Source Line)?Summary: On Fusion FA (Fixed Assets -> Asset Dashboard), for Additions, the employee name has to be deleted from Assignments since we are unable to post the asset due to…
Did anyone converted Asset Leases ? Can you share a RoadMap ?Summary: Did anyone converted Asset Leases ? Can you share a RoadMap ? Content (required): How do you handle conversions ? Specially if the lease is already in place ? D…
Capitalized Asset needs to be split and transfer to different locationsSummary: We have capitalized an asset which has 7 units currently. We need to split this asset to be transferred to different locations unit wise. Please advise the acti…
Can we add multiple Assets to existing CIP Asset before it gets capitilizedSummary: Hi Experts Can we add multiple Assets to existing CIP Asset before it gets capitalized Ex: CIP Asset no: 16 is already available with Cost 200000 Now we need to…
Lease Assets DisclosuresSummary: Does Assets Leases contains Disclosures feature ? Content (required): Does Assets Leases contains Disclosures feature ? Version (include the version you are usi…