Category 333
Discussion List
Asset import with FBDI with only major categoryHi There, We have few categories in FA with only major category and minor is null. I am not able import such assets via FBDI. Prepare asset transaction data program give…
After changing the status from Error to delete, still available in Exceptions queue as Error statusSummary: We have changed the assets status present in Exception list from Error to delete After changing the count has decreased in Exception list But after few days, ag…
Capitalizing Commissions Paid to EmployeesSummary: As per ASC606 guidance, customer capitalizes Commission paid through Payroll to Employees on Subscription Contracts and amortizes over a period of 5 years. Cust…
How to write SLA to change the cost center for depreciation adjustment entriesSummary: We have some assets DPIS in last closed period and when we run the depreciation we found the depreciation adjustment entries are coding to default cost center i…
CCC-Behavior to change Prorate Convention Asset CategorySummary: CCC-Behavior to change Prorate Convention Asset Category Content (required): Hi! We need to know the specific behavor does when in the setup of an asset categor…
Is there a way to prevent Accounting for the tax book after I copied assets from corporate booksSummary: The purpose of my tax book is for reporting purposes only. Should not affect my journal entries for accourning/GL Content (required): In assets module, I have c…
Do you have a video related to Lease Assets functionality (Asset Module ?)Summary: Do you have a video related to Lease Assets functionality (Asset Module ?) Content (required): Do you have a video related to Lease Assets functionality (Asset …
Any report could be generated with PO details related to fix assetSummary: Any report could be generated with PO details related to fix asset? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet…
UK Government Revaluation Rules - Balances not maintaining the asset levelSummary: Client is not maintaining Revaluation Reserve/LTD Revaluation Reserve Amortization at the individual asset level in its legacy system as expected in Oracle Fusi…
How can we activate the deactivated Asset BookSummary: Need to activate the deactivated Asset Book Content (required): We deactivated an asset book after assets data conversion to another asset book belonging to a n…
Is it possible to view reception information on a PO in Fixed Assets?Summary: Content (required): When I go into the source line or source information of an asset, I dig into the Invoice and then dig into the Purchase Order, is it possibl…
Date placed in service default to the purchase order receipt date.Summary: Content (required): Is it possible to have the date placed in service for assets coming through payables, who's invoices have been matched to a purchase orders …
Do we have any document which shows Holding company specific setups on Asset cloud module?Summary: What all setups or process are required for Asset Management on Oracle Cloud ALM module, if client is a Holding Company. Content (required): For a Holding compa…
Depreciation issueHello, we are facing an issue in FA. we added an asset for 9 years, without depreciation in the first place. Then we adjust it to depreciate after 7 months. the problem …
Automate data extraction for Capex Plan standard reportSummary: Content (required): For Capex Plan, Oracle Fusion has a standard reports like 'What-If Depreciation Analysis Report' & 'FHH Fixed Assets Register Report' to fet…
SAF-T extract for Fixed AssetSummary: In SAF-T file ASSET MASTER, what does Transfer columns contain ? Content (required): We generated SAF-T, including Fixed Assets Data. In Asset master file, ther…User_2025-03-07-05-35-20-684 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Assets
How to we maintain the assets that are shipped to customer on lease?Summary: How to we maintain the assets that are shipped to customer on lease? Content (required): Currently our client is manufacturing the machine and ship it to custom…Rajkamal.ravoor.pattabi-Oracle 33 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Shawna Green-Support-Oracle Assets
Reclassify a Fixed Asset APISummary: Trying to update the category within an existing asset and receiving an error Content (required): Receiving the below error when trying to change the category. …
Asset Changes Last Update DateSummary: Is there a specific table that shows a last update date for any asset changes? Content (required): We are trying to pull data for an integration for any changes…
How to see only assigned category combination for a book and not all the books?Summary: Currently user is able to see all the categories for all the Asset Books and not only the assigned categories. Content (required): Although user is not able to …
Directions for all steps needed to setup a tax book, including setup of secondary ledger if requiredSummary: I'm looking for the details on all the steps related to setting up a tax book. I can setup the book itself but I am not sure if a secondary ledger is required f…
Could you please share FDBI Template or Spreadsheet for Creating Asset Categories in BulkSummary: We want to load Asset Categories in Bulk, we are looking for FDBI template or Spreadsheet with which we can load in Bulk. I checked this but didn't find the rel…
After importing asset via fbdi, there is difference between corporate book and tax bookSummary: After importing asset via fbdi, there is difference between corporate book and tax book Content (required): Dear all, please find the following : after importin…
Daily Depreciation calendar taking 366 days while calculation depreciation on assetSummary: I have created two asset calendar one is monthly and other is daily and in leap year for example i take 28FEB 2024 (Start date 28feb and end date -29Feb) For Pr…
How to link Oracle Purchasing (PO Receiving) to Oracle Assets (mass addition asset by PO Receiving)Summary: setup the CAPITALIZATION OF FIXED ASSETS FOR EXPENSE DESTINATION RECEIPTS IN THE PROCUREMENT PROCESS (…
Is it possible to update Proceeds of Sale after retirement transaction is complete?Summary: Is it possible to use ADFDI to update the Proceeds of Sale on an existing asset retirement transaction? Content (required): We have an integration from a 3rd pa…
Merging an already split invoice lineSummary: I have an invoice line for an asset that has multiple quantities for the same item. I would like to split the the line and then merge one of the lines to anothe…
Extract Asset Reporting Data process for tasks from Assets workarea and from Scheduled ProcessesSummary: Auto Submit process "Extract Asset Reporting Data" for tasks from Assets workarea and from Scheduled Processes ESS jobs. Content (required): On following note E…
Can the asset period of Daily Depreciation only be closed day by day?Summary: The depreciation calendar of this asset account book is calculated on a daily basis. Can it only be closed on a daily basis during the asset closing period? Con…
Interfacing CIP assets from AP to FASummary: Hi, Have a question about CIP assets mass addition. I have an invioce which is accounted and has CIP clearing account in distribtion ,but after running mass Add…