Category 438
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How to make the Item mandatory in the PR based on the line type?How to make the Item mandatory in the PR based on the line type?Chintan_Thakkar99 84 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by ivan.santamaria Self Service Procurement
Approver cannot find attachments in approval notificationAn approver cannot find the attachments in the purchase order or the approval notification
How to debug Approval Error *History tree table*,*Error in evaluating routing slip* ?Hello All, I am getting error while validating manage approvals in Purchase Agreement. Error is "Issue in displaying history. Please contact administrator. Details excep…
Customer selection restriction on Order ManagementHi Team, Greetings! While creating a sales order, the User wants to restrict the customer selection from a List of values. Is this Possible? Note: When the customer is e…
How can i stop a Po from been rejected by the application because the reference agreement has expireHow can i stop a PO from being rejected by the application because an agreement expired before the end of the PO approval process
Organizations can't be selected in Source rule of GOPhi, i can't select Organization when create source rule in GOP, even if after enable Organizations for collecting in mange source systems, and did Collect planning data …arafat2021 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ram Menon-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Unable to see Manage recurring billing link in Transactions under AR BillingHi All, The user has both AR Manager and AR Specialist. Business unit and Common set is also assigned to the role and user combination. What else is missing in the setup…
Do we have any Rest API for data security in scm cloudWe are looking if we can manage the data security through rest API