recover copy of database creating newley added datafile in fast recovery area
Hello experts,
We are taking daily rman incremental level 1 backup by using the bellow script.
rman target /
allocate channel e1 device type DISK;
allocate channel e2 device type DISK;
allocate channel e3 device type DISK;
allocate channel e4 device type DISK;
recover copy of database with tag='RMAN_INC_BKP_LEVEL_1';
delete noprompt obsolete;
backup incremental level 1 for recover of copy with tag='RMAN_INC_BKP_LEVEL_1' format '/u03/app/oracle/mydb/rman/backupset/Backup%d_DB_%u_%s_%p_%T.bkp' database;
backup current controlfile format '/u03/app/oracle/mydb/rman/backupset/Bkp_controlfile_%U_%D_%M_%Y.ctl';
I also took level 0 backup by using
allocate channel e1 device type DISK;
allocate channel e2 device type DISK;
allocate channel e3 device type DISK;
allocate channel e4 device type DISK;
backup incremental level 0 as copy database tag 'RMAN_INC_BKP_LEVEL_1' format '/u03/app/oracle/mydb/rman/datafile/%U';
I created a one tablespace with a datafile.
When I run incremental level 1 backup scripts after adding tablespace rman created newly added datafile copy at fast recovery area. And all my datafile copies are in '/u03/app/oracle/mydb/rman/datafile'. I want to set the rman incremental level 1 script in such away that whenever new datafile is added it create backup copy of datafile at '/u03/app/oracle/mydb/rman/datafile' location not in fast recovery area.
Thanks and Regards