Oracle ADF - Root cause of ServletException. oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseException:
I have a UI component with rendered property invoking a bean method that has parameters like below.
<trh:rowLayout valign="top" id="rl" rendered="#{,1)}">
public boolean show(int p1, int p2)
{ return true }
I'm getting below error when I have a adf lib (shared lib in the app). Its working find with the adf lib
Root cause of ServletException.
/fragments/worksheet.jsff: Line # 557, <trh:rowLayout id="rl" rendered="#{,1)}" valign="top">
Error: Function show has an invalid prefix or uses the default namespace which is not defined. Correct the prefix or in a jsp document, put the function inside a tag that defines the tag library namespace
Please help.