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How to setup Oracle MICROS Simphony sandbox for gift and loyalty feature development.
We are new to Oracle Simphony. We want to develop gift and loyalty features for our customers using Oracle Simphony.
We are trying to set up a Oracle MICROS Simphony sandbox for gift and loyalty feature development.
Please guide us how I can proceed further or connect with someone who can help us with the installation and setting up the sandbox for further development.
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Re: How do I find the Egateway URL from my workstation?
A: If you have manager access
- Log into a workstation as a Manager
- Go to PMC (Usually in the “Manager Tab”)
- Get the value of the “CAL URL” is the Egateway URL
A: If you are unable to log into the workstation as a Manager follow this path on the workstation.
- DRIVE:\Micros\Simphony\WebServer\wwwroot\Egateway
- Open up the “Web.config File with notepad
- Get the value of the Egateway URL