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MetaSolv User Group

We are an independent, self-managed, non-profit organization providing users the opportunity to learn more about Oracle's MetaSolv Solution product, network with users from Oracle's international base of customers, and provide feedback to influence future product direction. This organization is a continuance of the MetaSolv Users Group in existence since 1996.The membership consists of a variety of technical professionals from all levels of telecom service provider organizations, including vice-presidents, directors, network engineers, service provisioners, business analysts, customer service representatives, and more. Anyone who uses MetaSolv Solution is welcome to attend. You must request access to this site before access will be granted. Please make sure your name and company name are included in your Display Name in your Profile to expedite the approval process. If you have difficulty with the registration process, please contact or

MetaSolv User Group

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MetaSolv User Group

We are an independent, self-managed, non-profit organization providing users the opportunity to learn more about Oracle's MetaSolv Solution product, network with users from Oracle's international base of customers, and provide feedback to influence future product direction. This organization is a continuance of the MetaSolv Users Group in existence since 1996.The membership consists of a variety of technical professionals from all levels of telecom service provider organizations, including vice-presidents, directors, network engineers, service provisioners, business analysts, customer service representatives, and more. Anyone who uses MetaSolv Solution is welcome to attend.

You must request access to this site before access will be granted. Please make sure your name and company name are included in your Display Name in your Profile to expedite the approval process. If you have difficulty with the registration process, please contact or


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