Is this bug with ASM in 11202?
Yesterday all our instances crashed after something happened to instance ASM2. Is this a bug with ASM in 11202? The spfile was unavailable but it was physically there
NOTE: [emcrsp.bin@br-racprod02 (TNS V1-V3) 13209] opening OCR file
Wed Jun 25 11:55:52 2014
NOTE: [emcrsp.bin@br-racprod02 (TNS V1-V3) 13518] opening OCR file
Wed Jun 25 11:57:51 2014
NOTE: [emcrsp.bin@br-racprod02 (TNS V1-V3) 14653] opening OCR file
Wed Jun 25 11:58:21 2014
LMON (ospid: 2116) waits for event 'rdbms ipc message' for 158 secs.
LCK0 (ospid: 2146) waits for event 'rdbms ipc message' for 160 secs.
Errors in file /opt/app/oracle/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM2/trace/+ASM2_lmhb_2124.trc (incident=12097):
ORA-29770: global enqueue process LMON (OSID 2116) is hung for more than 150 seconds